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You are no longer regulated to the desktop browser to respond to action items. Learn how Rego solved this problem using just your email. We’ll talk about various use cases where you would get maximum benefit from a simple response on an action item directly from your email. It doesn’t matter if you are using email on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. The Action Item Responder as you covered.
Missing Time by PM report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed by Project Manager. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays missed timesheets count by Project Manager. Also, there is table view of Project Manager, Resource, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Project Manager, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range).
Spot opportunities to improve timesheet accuracy and resource allocations by assessing timesheet compliance and allocation. Report Views include: • Allocation Variance • Capex vs Opex • Hours Detail • Resource Dtails • Single Manager Drill Down • Single Resource Drill Down • Timesheet Detail • Timesheet Summary • Unapproved Timesheets Demo Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxIkkqSyrRU&list=PLXJ5ktuWV0jiS9CvBpHvBIwpKPmA9uvwK&index=8
The Enhanced Time Tracking Stalker – Resource workflow process is used to notify resources who failed to submit a timesheet for the prior time period they must take action. The workflow checks for active resources (by using the hire and termination dates, their track mode and that they are open for time entry). Each resource who meet the criteria receives an email asking them to submit their outstanding timesheet(s). The email includes a table that contains this information: time period, timesheet status and any hours currently saved on the timesheet. All outstanding timesheets are included in the table with links to the timesheet in the Modern User Experience side of Clarity. This process helps to ensure the timely submission of timesheets.
You are no longer regulated to the desktop browser to respond to action items. Learn how Rego solved this problem using just your email. We’ll talk about various use cases where you would get maximum benefit from a simple response on an action item directly from your email. It doesn’t matter if you are using email on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. The Action Item Responder as you covered.
The Enhanced Time Tracking Stalker – RM workflow process automatically sends a single email to Resource Managers which contains a list of any of their resources that have not submitted their timesheet for a prior open time period. The email informs the RM if their resources are submitting their timesheets on time. The email includes a table that provides this information for each resource: Resource Name, Time Period, Timesheet Status and Total Hours saved on the timesheet with links to the timesheet in the Modern User Experience of Clarity. These notifications will help to ensure that time is being posted and approved in a timely manner.
Rego’s Clarity Adoption Metrics package consists of two sets of metrics: Project metrics, and Resource metrics. Project metrics measure how effectively project managers are using Clarity to manage their projects. Resource metrics measure how effectively resource managers are using Clarity to manage resources. Metrics are scored on a scale of 0 to 5, with higher scores indicating greater adoption and use. All metrics can be viewed numerically or graphically, and can be broken out by OBS. In addition, metric data can display as a 12-month rolling history to help identify trends. Project metrics can also display by lowest / highest adoption rates for a specific resource metric or all resource metrics. There is a variety of way to view the Adoption Metric data, therefore, Rego has made this simple by creating an Adoption Metrics object that contains multiple tabs. Each tab displays one or more of the Project or Resource Adoption Metrics. Based on the nature of the Metrics some tabs will allow the ability to use a pull down menu to select a specific Adoption Metric. There is also a Metrics trending view that pulls monthly snapshots of the metrics. Project metrics consist of the following: - Project Status Reporting – Measures how well PMs create and publish project status reports.
- Project Risk Adoption – Measures how well Risks are being used and managed.
- Project Issue Adoption – Measures how well Issues are being used and managed.
- Project Schedule – Measures how well PMs create tasks and keep the project schedule current.
- Project Baseline – Measures whether or not baselines exist.
- Project Zero ETC’s – Measures how well the PM assigns resources to tasks with ETCs.
- Project Past ETC’s – Measures how many improperly scheduled tasks the PM has.
- Project Milestone / Key Tasks – Measures how well PMs create and manage Milestones / Key Tasks.
- Project Schedule Variance – Measures how effectively PMs manage their schedules.
- Project Effort Variance – Measures how effectively PMs manage their project efforts.
- Project Budget Variance – Measures how effectively PMs manage budgets or cost plans.
- Project Unfilled Roles – Measures project roles with allocations that are already started or starting within the next 30 days.
- Project Data Quality – Measures how effectively PMs complete the Description, Stage, Progress, Objective, and Sponsor/Business Owner fields.
- Project Commitment – Measures the hard allocations for a project over a two week time frame.
- Resource Clarity Usage – Measures how often users log into Clarity.
- Resource Timesheet – Measures if timesheets post in a timely manner.
- Resource Allocation – Measures how well RMs keep total resource allocations within the expected range for future time periods.
- Resource Actualy Utilization – Measures how well Resource allocations match actuals.
- Resource Allocation Date in the Past – Measures how many resources are open for time entry with dates in the past.
- Resource Data Quality – Measures how well RMs complete the Resource Manager and Primary Role fields and optionally the Skill and Employment Type fields.
- Resource Commitment – Measures how much resource available time is committed to projects.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Time Entry Administration Settings for Timesheets. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on Timesheet Options for the Modern UX and how to enable end user column configuration. Detail is also provided on how end users may configure their timesheet view.
The Timesheet Audit portlet displays timesheet information in order to perform an audit. The only required data needed to search the portlet is start and finish date. Additionally, you may narrow the results by filtering by resource, resource ID, OBS Unit, resource manager, timesheet status, project, and task. The portlet provides reporting on the following:
- Resource
- Resource ID
- Email Icon of Resource (So the reviewer can quickly email the Resource)
- Resource is Active
- Resource Open for Time
- Time Period (Start and Finish Dates)
- Timesheet Status
- Is Adjustment (If the timesheet is adjusted)
- Timesheet Modified Date
- Timesheet Posted Date
- Timesheet Submitted By
- Timesheet Approved By
- Project
- Task
- Proposed ETC Hours
- Pending Actual Hours
- Total Actual Hours