  • This portlet displays Actual Time by Project over a span of time.  It supports Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly time periods.  The time span displayed is controlled by a filter field for the Start Date (of the time span) and by a filter field for the Number of Time Periods to be displayed. There are also filters for Project name, Project Manager, and Project Type.
  • This portlet displays Actual Time by Project over a span of time.  It supports Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly time periods.  The time span displayed is controlled by a filter field for the Start Date (of the time span) and by a filter field for the Number of Time Periods to be displayed. There are also filters for Project name, Project Manager, and Project Type.
  • This portlet displays Actual Time by Project over a span of time.  It supports Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, and Weekly time periods.  The time span displayed is controlled by a filter field for the Start Date (of the time span) and by a filter field for the Number of Time Periods to be displayed. There are also filters for Project name, Project Manager, and Project Type.
  • Portlet to show the stage of any Action Item triggered by Timesheet submission.  Portlet allows for a period start date input, filters by Resource, Approver, Action Item Status and Timesheet Status.  A link to the action item is provided for direct action by review if needed. This portlet is only for the clients who have established a process that triggers on Timesheet Status change to Submitted and to send Action Items to the person responsible for timesheet approval/validation i.e. PM for project tracking and/or RM for overall approval of the timesheet. The portlet won’t display any data if there are no timesheet Action Items.  Examples of such processes would be CA’s OOTB Project Manager Approval or the Timesheet Approval - PM and RM process found on RegoXchange.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Time Entry Administration Settings for Timesheets.  This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Document provides detail on Timesheet Options for the Modern UX and how to enable end user column configuration. Detail is also provided on how end users may configure their timesheet view.
  • The Rego Estimation Module Provides a more accurate estimate earlier in the idea/project lifecycle.
    • Is applied consistently so it can be improved.
    • Retains the data in Clarity to enable analysis.
    • Provides ongoing feedback by comparing estimates to current EAC.
    • Provides historical record of estimating for projects overall as well as change requests.
  • This portlet pulls back the Availability and Allocation totals by Role between a user-specified Start and Finish Date, then the user can drilldown to look at the information for Applications.  The Time Period filter allows for comparing these values across different timeframes (monthly, weekly, quarterly, annual) as desired.  Other filters allow for looking at Active or Inactive Roles (or both) and including Active or Inactive Projects (or both) in the totals.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist resource managers with the adjusting of timesheets.  This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Document provides guidance on how to use the Review & Approve tab to adjust time that has already been entered by a resource.
  • Time by Stage and Timescale – Graph report is a stacked column chart that displays hours for all tasks on projects by their stage for a user-defined time period. Using this report, Management can determine if excess time is being spent on a certain task stage within a project You can further narrow your search by Month Start Date, OBS Type & Path, Is Project Active? And Is Template?
  • Capacity Graph report provides the Resource Managers & PMO a single place to view Monthly Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resources. Information is displayed in the form of a line chart. Legend displays the color associated with each metric. Mouse over the line chart displays hours associated with that corresponding metric. This report provides Managers a simple means to analyze: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability and helps in determining the areas of improvement. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Month Start Date, Resource Name, Resource Manager, Primary Role & Employment Type.
  • This process workflow with gel script forces billable hours on timesheet down to 40 hours, and sets overtime hours to non-billable.  Timesheets with 40 or fewer hours are not touched.  Process kicks off upon submission of timesheet.  Steps are:
    • Determine if timesheet has > 40 hours.  If so, proceed.
    • Create a SPLIT row for each timesheet row, with Input Type Code = Non-Bill.
    • Divide 40 by total timesheet ours.  Store this value.
    • Multiply each timesheet cell by the stored value, and enter the result into that cell.
    • Take the difference (original cell value – new cell value), and enter in same cell on Split row.
    • The end result will be 40 hours total on Billable rows, and overtime hours on Non-Billable rows.
  • Process sends an email to RM, for resources assigned, that indicates the allocation percentage for each resource for the next 6 weeks.  Email has links to each resource so that allocation modifications can be made as required.
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