  • The Assignments by Task Over Time portlet displays all assignments by task for all resources using the timeslices. This portlet is useful for determining which tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours the user is assigned to a task. The user may filter on certain criteria that include: project name/ID, date range, resource name/ID, and resource OBS unit.
  • The Assignments by Task Over Time portlet displays all assignments by task for all resources using the timeslices. This portlet is useful for determining which tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours the user is assigned to a task. The user may filter on certain criteria that include: project name/ID, date range, resource name/ID, and resource OBS unit.
  • The Assignments by Task Over Time portlet displays all assignments by task for all resources using the timeslices. This portlet is useful for determining which tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours the user is assigned to a task. The user may filter on certain criteria that include: project name/ID, date range, resource name/ID, and resource OBS unit.
  • The Capacity Graph - Investment portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Assignments and Actuals for active resources in a single project. This portlet pulls from timeslices and allows the user to filter on weekly, monthly, or quarterly data. This portlet provides a Project Manager with a simple way to analyse:  Allocations vs. Actuals and Allocations vs. ETC.  Depending on metric goals, the graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist.
  • The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC).  The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
  • The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC).  The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
  • The Time by Assignment portlet displays time logged to assignments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly or quarterly segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
  • The All Assignments portlet displays resource assignments across multiple projects. Currently, assignment information displayed for the project, in OWB, or MSP is limited to a single project. This portlet will provide a single view of the assigned data for all assignments across multiple projects. The portlet displays project actuals and estimates from the project (datamart tables). The Days Late field is calculated by the baseline date, while the Days Old field is calculated by today's date. Note: Only the projects that the user has viewer rights to will show up in the list. Filters provide the PM, RM, and individual resource the ability to monitor work progress across multiple projects. For example: ~ PMs can filter for all assignments that were to be completed by a given date but still have "Started" or "Not Started" status. ~ If multiple projects are utilizing the same resource, the PM or RM can filter for assignments utilizing that specific resource to prevent over-utilization. ~ A resource may filter for all assignments assigned to them, providing a picture of their total body of work.
  • The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC).  The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
  • The Time by Assignment portlet displays time logged to assignments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly or quarterly segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
  • Assignments by Task Over Time report display all assignments by task for all resources.  Information can be drilled down to yearly, quarterly or monthly level. This report helps in determining the tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours a user is assigned to a task. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Project ID, Project Name, Task Name, Assignment Resource, Is project Active?, Is Template? And Month End date.
  • The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data.  The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse:  Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability.  The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
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