  • The Projects by Stage and Manager portlet displays all active projects (excluding programs), with a project stage and project manager. The portlet color codes the different stages that and counts the number of projects in each stage by project manager. This portlet provides a quick snapshot of all projects with stage details so the PMO may get an overview of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager.
  • The Projects by Stage and Manager portlet displays all active projects (excluding programs), with a project stage and project manager. The portlet color codes the different stages that and counts the number of projects in each stage by project manager. This portlet provides a quick snapshot of all projects with stage details so the PMO may get an overview of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager.
  • The Projects by Stage and Manager portlet displays all active projects (excluding programs), with a project stage and project manager. The portlet color codes the different stages that and counts the number of projects in each stage by project manager. This portlet provides a quick snapshot of all projects with stage details so the PMO may get an overview of where certain projects are sitting with each Project Manager.
  • The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
  • The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
  • The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
  • The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter.  This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Project Name Name of the project
    PM Manager of the project
    Created Date Created Date of the project
    Start Start Date of the project
    Finish Finish Date of the project
    Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter
    Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter
    Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter
    Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter
    Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter.  This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Project Name Name of the project
    PM Manager of the project
    Created Date Created Date of the project
    Start Start Date of the project
    Finish Finish Date of the project
    Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter
    Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter
    Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter
    Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter
    Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter.  This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Project Name Name of the project
    PM Manager of the project
    Created Date Created Date of the project
    Start Start Date of the project
    Finish Finish Date of the project
    Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter
    Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter
    Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter
    Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter
    Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The Projects Within Baseline Effort portlet will display all projects’ baseline effort in a pie chart by three different categories: Out of Baseline, Within Baseline, and Within 10% of Baseline. This portlet is used by the PMO to provide management with a snapshot of all projects and their baselines.
  • The Projects Within Baseline Effort portlet will display all projects’ baseline effort in a pie chart by three different categories: Out of Baseline, Within Baseline, and Within 10% of Baseline. This portlet is used by the PMO to provide management with a snapshot of all projects and their baselines.
  • The Projects Within Baseline Finish portlet displays all projects that have a baseline and presents them in a pie chart. This portlet provides management with a way to quickly view the number of projects that are on time. The user may filter by OBS and finish date.
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