  • The My Allocations portlet will display the allocations for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices.  It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their allocations across all of the projects where their allocation is greater than 0 for the specified date range the user wants.  This will display both active and inactive projects.
  • The My Allocations portlet will display the allocations for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices.  It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their allocations across all of the projects where their allocation is greater than 0 for the specified date range the user wants.  This will display both active and inactive projects.
  • The My Allocations portlet will display the allocations for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices.  It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their allocations across all of the projects where their allocation is greater than 0 for the specified date range the user wants.  This will display both active and inactive projects.
  • The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC).  The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
  • The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC).  The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
  • The My Assignments portlet will display the assignments for the logged in user - pulling data from the timeslices. It is used as a quick reference for the users to view their assignments across all of the projects. The portlet also displays work posted against the task, expressed in Actuals, and remaining work to be done, expressed as an Estimate to Complete (ETC).  The Effort Variance reflects what the ETC variance is compared to the last current baseline of the project.
  • The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to.  The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
  • The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to.  The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
  • The My Issues portlet displays all issues within active project that the logged in user is assigned to.  The portlet provides the logged in user a single place to view issues across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually. The filter then allows the user to narrow their search by Issue ID, Issue Name, Project ID, Project Name, and Issue Status. You may also narrow the view to display issues with a target resolution date within a certain date range.
  • The PM Dashboard portlet provides an overview of all projects for which the user is the Project Manager without navigating to and opening each project individually. All critical information related to the project status is displayed in this portlet. Status indicators display the project’s statuses. Graphical stoplights and numbers provide an overview of all late Action items, Issues, Risks, Tasks, and Milestones.
  • The PM Dashboard portlet provides an overview of all projects for which the user is the Project Manager without navigating to and opening each project individually. All critical information related to the project status is displayed in this portlet. Status indicators display the project’s statuses. Graphical stoplights and numbers provide an overview of all late Action items, Issues, Risks, Tasks, and Milestones.
  • The PM Dashboard portlet provides an overview of all projects for which the user is the Project Manager without navigating to and opening each project individually. All critical information related to the project status is displayed in this portlet. Status indicators display the project’s statuses. Graphical stoplights and numbers provide an overview of all late Action items, Issues, Risks, Tasks, and Milestones.
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