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Struggling to use an external scheduler like MS Project or Smartsheet with Clarity or investigating its potential? Learn how to effectively use these tools with Clarity in this training, which includes best practices and lessons learned. We will show both OOTB and Rego build connectors that will make the bidirectional connections seamless.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist in the replacement of roles with named resources in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on soft bookings, default allocation and requested manager. Instructions are provided on how to access requests from the Staffing Plan view and how to swap the role for a named resource. If requests are not fulfilled in their entirety, details are provided on how the excess allocation is handled.
Project Cost within Budget report displays count of projects that are within or exceeding budget in the form of a bar chart. It also displays Total budget cost and Planned cost. User can further drill down the details to investment level. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path and Investment Manager.
Project by Stage is a bar chart that displays count of projects by out of box Stage attribute. Stage attribute values are plotted on Y axis. Label on the bar chart slice displays the count of projects associated with that respective Stage value. User can further drill down the information to investment level by clicking on particular bar slice. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Manager.
You are no longer regulated to the desktop browser to respond to action items. Learn how Rego solved this problem using just your email. We’ll talk about various use cases where you would get maximum benefit from a simple response on an action item directly from your email. It doesn’t matter if you are using email on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. The Action Item Responder as you covered.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of project Financials in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document includes summary information on the Financials module and provides detail on how to customize the grid and save views. Instructions are provided on how to filter data and how to use the ⋮ (vertical ellipses) icon to access further features. Detail is provided on the group by function, the column panel, the export of cost plan and editing cost plan and budget plan data from the grid.
Gain an overview of program-level performance, track program milestones, and assess overall program health. Report Views include: • Change Requests • Program Costs Trend • Program Costs • Program Drill Thru • Program Effort • Program Gantt • Program Issues • Program Milestones • Program Risks • Program Staff • Program Status Reports • Program Summary • Program Tasks Demo Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VceDIFjp-g&list=PLXJ5ktuWV0jiS9CvBpHvBIwpKPmA9uvwK&index=5 The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse. For clients on Rego’s AWS hosting, we have versions that work with Oracle and Postgres DB and access the live database, if the Rego Odata connector is being used.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with creation and management of resource Teams in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on how to create Teams and add resources to a Team. Instructions are provided on how to add resources by OBS and how to allocate a team to an investment. Team key points are provided with regard to Classic, Allocations, ETC and Financials.
Do you want to improve the success of your CA PPM projects? This class will discuss some lessons learned on making CA PPM projects more successful. We will discuss things like
- developing robust test plans, creating effective use and test cases, and implementing test scripts that make sense.
- why failures occur, and what you can do to minimize the impact and plan for success: case study in lessons learned.
- developing, testing, fine tuning, and executing deployment plans for success.