790 results
Pie Chart displays projects by Baseline Finish Variance—is current project finish beyond baseline finish; or is current project finish on or before baseline finish. Filterable by OBS structure and Finish Date range. Data labels show percent within baseline vs percent outside baseline. Mouse-over shows Within or Outside label and percent of total projects. Legend shows color coded Within Baseline and Outside Baseline labels. Drilldown: Clicking on a pie slice yields a grid portlet of projects either Within or Outside Baseline.
Pie Chart displays projects by Baseline Finish Variance—is current project finish beyond baseline finish; or is current project finish on or before baseline finish. Filterable by OBS structure and Finish Date range. Data labels show percent within baseline vs percent outside baseline. Mouse-over shows Within or Outside label and percent of total projects. Legend shows color coded Within Baseline and Outside Baseline labels. Drilldown: Clicking on a pie slice yields a grid portlet of projects either Within or Outside Baseline.
Pie Chart displays projects by Baseline Finish Variance—is current project finish beyond baseline finish; or is current project finish on or before baseline finish. Filterable by OBS structure and Finish Date range. Data labels show percent within baseline vs percent outside baseline. Mouse-over shows Within or Outside label and percent of total projects. Legend shows color coded Within Baseline and Outside Baseline labels. Drilldown: Clicking on a pie slice yields a grid portlet of projects either Within or Outside Baseline.
A slide deck that reviews the processes for time entry and approval of timesheets in Clarity’s Modern UX. Used for Rego’s training engagements, it covers the Time Entry process via flow chart, steps for submitting a timesheet, adjusting a returned timesheet, and adding or removing tasks from a timesheet.
A slide deck used in Rego’s training classed for Project Management in the Modern User Experience. Reviews terms and definitions, the OBS, Work Breakdown Structure, Templates, Roles and Responsibilities, Allocation vs ETC, Accessing Projects, Project Creation, Staffing, Tasks, Assignments, To Dos, Project Financials, and more.
A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the creation and management of Status Reports in Clarity’s Modern UX. Reviews accessing the project details from the grid or tile view, creation of a new status report, existing status reports in Classic, updating status reports, customizing project status, and the project status list view.
A slide deck from Rego’s training class on Portfolio Management using Clarity’s Classic UX. Covers an introduction to Portfolio Management including definition, portfolio contents, PfM roles and responsibilities, how portfolios work, data used, key deliverables, prerequisites for starting PfM, and PfM security.
A Rego training deck that walks through the various aspects of Open Workbench and offers tips and trick on using the tool to manage projects in sync with Clarity. Covers: Opening a plan, Multiple Staffing, Preference Options, Quick Access Toolbar, Quick Search and Quick Filter, Views and Filters, Copying Plans, Work Breakdown Structure, Dependencies, Assignments, Autoschedule, Baselining and Plan Closure.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with use of the Common Grid. You can find the grid throughout the application to manage projects, tasks, roadmaps, ideas, and timesheets to name a few. The QRG reviews View Options, Column Adjustments, the Details Panel and more.