  • The Rego Roadmap Conversion process provides the ability to create investments, from Roadmap Items.
    • Create a roadmap and populate it with Roadmap Item(s).  It is useful to create a custom view which contains the attributes needed in the project, or Custom Investment, to be created.
    As many roadmap items as you wish can be added at this stage.  Either all, or only selected roadmap items, can be converted.
    • Create a view to be used to help with the Conversion process.  It should include: -
      • Roadmap Item: This will become the Investment Name
      • Convert to: The type of investment to be created.
      • Conversion - Use Template:  The template to use in the conversion process.
      • Sync Status: The status of the conversion process
      • Sync Message:  additional details for the conversion process
      • In addition, check the Scenario that is selected.
    • In the Properties > Actions menu select Convert to Investment
    • This will initiate the conversion process and will select the roadmap items that: -
      • have no linked to set.
      • have both the Convert to and Conversion Use Template selected.
      • If any of these details are empty the roadmap item will be ignored.
    • The Sync Status and Sync Message will be updated to show whether the conversion has completed successfully, or not.
    • The Linked to will be populated with the newly created investment.
    • There is a Roadmap Action Log which can be accessed via Custom Objects.  This is useful for administrators and tracks all actions undertaken by the Conversion Process.   A history of the conversions completed, and their sync status and messages can be accessed from here.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this line chart portlet displays realized vs planned benefits overtime, for portfolio investments. This provides the PfM with a holistic view of benefits planned vs realized over a period of time.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this line chart portlet displays realized vs planned benefits overtime, for portfolio investments. This provides the PfM with a holistic view of benefits planned vs realized over a period of time.
  • This portlet displays a Pie Chart of a Portfolio’s Realized Benefits partitioned into pie slices by the portfolio’s Investments’ Objectives. Clicking on any pie slice (Objective) drills-down into a portlet that lists the Investments that make up that slice.
  • This portlet displays a Pie Chart of a Portfolio’s Realized Benefits partitioned into pie slices by the portfolio’s Investments’ Objectives. Clicking on any pie slice (Objective) drills-down into a portlet that lists the Investments that make up that slice.
  • Pie Chart that aggregates Realized Benefit (Total Actual Benefit) by OBS for active projects.  Only a Benefit Plan associated with the Cost Plan of Record will return data. The filter allows you to select which OBS filter you prefer to use for this pie chart, however, only an OBS associated with Projects will return data.
  • Pie Chart that aggregates Realized Benefit (Total Actual Benefit) by OBS for active projects.  Only a Benefit Plan associated with the Cost Plan of Record will return data. The filter allows you to select which OBS filter you prefer to use for this pie chart, however, only an OBS associated with Projects will return data.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of Roadmap items within the Grid View in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Instructions are provided to help users add and remove columns, move columns, pin columns and sort rows of data. The document provides guidance on how to use the View Options function to manage Per-Period Metrics. Includes guidance on how to update Roadmap data from the Grid View and how to use the In Plan column to rank investments.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of Roadmap items within the Grid View in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1 views. Instructions are provided to help users add and remove columns, move columns, pin columns and sort rows of data. The document provides guidance on how to use the View Options function to manage Per-Period Metrics. Includes guidance on how to update Roadmap data from the Grid View and how to use the In Plan column to rank investments.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of Roadmap items within the Grid View in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.0.2 views. Instructions are provided to help users add and remove columns, move columns, pin columns and sort rows of data. The document provides guidance on how to use the View Options function to manage Per-Period Metrics. Includes guidance on how to update Roadmap data from the Grid View and how to use the In Plan column to rank investments.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the updating, synchronizing and deleting of Roadmap investments in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Detail is provided on how to update individual Roadmap items within the Grid View, Timeline View and Board View. Included are instructions on how to synchronize Roadmap investments and how to delete an investment from a Roadmap.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the updating, synchronizing and deleting of Roadmap investments in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1 views. Detail is provided on how to update individual Roadmap items within the Grid View, Timeline View and Board View. Included are instructions on how to synchronize Roadmap investments and how to delete an investment from a Roadmap.
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