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View Rate Matrix is a grid portlet that provides users a single place to view all the rates defined across multiple rate matrix without going to administration tab. Each Matrix may be defined with different columns (ex: Charge Code, Client, Department, Entity, Input type Code etc). This portlet dynamically brings only the columns associated with that rate matrix and provides the detailed information. User can view information related to one matrix at a time.
View Rate Matrix is a grid portlet that provides users a single place to view all the rates defined across multiple rate matrix without going to administration tab. Each Matrix may be defined with different columns (ex: Charge Code, Client, Department, Entity, Input type Code etc). This portlet dynamically brings only the columns associated with that rate matrix and provides the detailed information. User can view information related to one matrix at a time.
View Rate Matrix is a grid portlet that provides users a single place to view all the rates defined across multiple rate matrix without going to administration tab. Each Matrix may be defined with different columns (ex: Charge Code, Client, Department, Entity, Input type Code etc). This portlet dynamically brings only the columns associated with that rate matrix and provides the detailed information. User can view information related to one matrix at a time.
Pie Chart that aggregates Realized Benefit (Total Actual Benefit) by OBS for active projects. Only a Benefit Plan associated with the Cost Plan of Record will return data. The filter allows you to select which OBS filter you prefer to use for this pie chart, however, only an OBS associated with Projects will return data.
Pie Chart that aggregates Realized Benefit (Total Actual Benefit) by OBS for active projects. Only a Benefit Plan associated with the Cost Plan of Record will return data. The filter allows you to select which OBS filter you prefer to use for this pie chart, however, only an OBS associated with Projects will return data.