  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of Cost Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  Instructions are provided on how to access Cost Plans from the Financials tab and how to create a new Cost Plan. Detail is provided on how to create a cost plan with project information (Populate from Allocations and Populate from Assignments), how to manually enter data into a cost plan and how to set a cost plan as the Plan of Record.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of financial plans within Ideas in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document includes instructions on how to create cost plans, budget plans and benefit plans.
  • The Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans process updates Cost Plans for Active Projects, it updates the Forecast for previous months = Posted Actuals, to remove variances from past periods. This is an On Demand process in Clarity named Populate Prior Periods Forecast From Actuals in Cost Plans and can be manually executed from the Organizer or scheduled through the “Execute a Process” job. If there are number of processes in the Organizer – Available Processes, this process can be filtered and then checked to Start. When the process is started it will be seen in the Initiated on the Processes tab. The process status can be monitored from Running to the Completed stage. The process is very flexible and supports Cost Plans with any given grouping and it also works without any dependency on timeslices or other jobs. The process fetches Cost plan of records for all active projects in the system that have Actuals transactions in WIP table. It then process those cost plans to update all of the prior monthly forecast periods with the corresponding monthly Actuals.
  • A presentation slide deck from RegoU 2023.  This course covered the process of digital transformation via digital product management.  Laureen Knudsen, Broadcom’s Chief Transformation Officer’s presentation deck is available for review.
  • Many organizations are moving from a waterfall development approach toward agile methodologies and frameworks.  This transformation impacts the financial structure of IT and can create changes in the way the TBM model needs to be built.  In this session we will give a high-level  overview of what an Agile Business Operating Model is and the potential impacts it could have so you can understand how to integrate this into your TBM practice.
  • Do you want to talk to other customers that are using or plan to use financial management? In this moderated Round Table where customers can share experiences and provide insights on process, configurations, challenges, and successes. We will have an expert panel and then divide into small groups and discuss customer selected topics - 100% sharing.
  • Have you ever reviewed costs with your stakeholders and suddenly noticed an unexpected change? This class will teach you all the techniques you need to trace down the cause of the discrepancies in the model. We will cover advanced troubleshooting techniques like Metric view for tracing up/down the model and how to leverage model summary reports.
  • This portlet shows the project costs by Month. The information displayed includes:
    • Start Date for project
    • End Date for project
    • Budgeted Cost
    • Planned Cost
    • Actual Hours
    This provides the PM with a one shot view of the total financials/actuals for the project. The Project name field is linked to the project properties page. In case of any adjustments, the PM can toggle b/w the portlet and the project with ease.  The user can filter on multiple projects, or projects by OBS, or by PMs, to view the data on the portlet.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of financial plans within Ideas in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Document includes instructions on how to create cost plans, budget plans and benefit plans.
  • A process creating a new Cost Plan. Cost Plan properties:
    Name Cost Plan created on: yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
    Grouping attributes Charge Code, Transaction Type
    Start Period The earliest fiscal period with Actuals (from PPA_WIP table) or current period, if there are no actuals
    Finish Period The latest fiscal period with a non-zero allocation (from PRJ_BLB_SLICES table, SLICE_REQUEST_ID = 6
    Period Type Monthly
    Plan of Record True
    Planned Cost For periods in the past – from Actuals (Charge Code, Transaction Type, Quantity (Units), Cost (Amount) taken from Transactions (PPA_WIP & PPA_WIP_DETAILS); For current and future periods – from Allocations (Charge Code taken from the Project, Transaction Class from the Resource, Quantity from allocation slices, Cost from the Rate Matrix (NBI_PROJ_RES_RATES_AND_COSTS table)
    • the Project must be financially enabled.
    • if a new Team Member is added, Rate Matrix job must be run, so the rates are populated in the NBI table.
    • if the Allocation changes, allow the timeslice job to finish before running the process.
    • the Project should have the Charge Code set.
  • The Investment Resource Rate portlet allows a user to search for effective (or missing) rates for resources across all investment types.  It pulls rate information from the matrix extraction tables and includes currency conversion if the environment supports multiple currencies. The portlet can be used both to search for the rate of any given resource and to determine which resources might be missing rates when an error is generated when attempting to populate a cost plan (REVMGR-20728:Rates and Costs are both missing for one or more roles/resources).  
  • The Investment Resource Rate portlet allows a user to search for effective (or missing) rates for resources across all investment types.  It pulls rate information from the matrix extraction tables and includes currency conversion if the environment supports multiple currencies. The portlet can be used both to search for the rate of any given resource and to determine which resources might be missing rates when an error is generated when attempting to populate a cost plan (REVMGR-20728:Rates and Costs are both missing for one or more roles/resources).  
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