274 results
This is a pie chart portlet to show realized benefits across the system by category, including a category for no category or unspecified. Pie chart shows categories of realized benefits in its slices. Available filters:
- Portfolio (required)
- Manager
- Stakeholder
- Department
- Category Filter (default to all)
- Goal
- Objective
- Type
This is a pie chart portlet to show realized benefits across the system by category, including a category for no category or unspecified. Pie chart shows categories of realized benefits in its slices. Available filters:
- Portfolio (required)
- Manager
- Stakeholder
- Department
- Category Filter (default to all)
- Goal
- Objective
- Type
This is a pie chart portlet to show realized benefits across the system by category, including a category for no category or unspecified. Pie chart shows categories of realized benefits in its slices. Available filters:
- Portfolio (required)
- Manager
- Stakeholder
- Department
- Category Filter (default to all)
- Goal
- Objective
- Type