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Pie Chart that aggregates Realized Benefit (Total Actual Benefit) by OBS for active projects. Only a Benefit Plan associated with the Cost Plan of Record will return data. The filter allows you to select which OBS filter you prefer to use for this pie chart, however, only an OBS associated with Projects will return data.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.
Bar Chart displays average percent variance for all active projects by OBS unit. Percent variance = Planned Cost - Budgeted Cost / Budgeted Cost * 100. Projects with no Budgeted Cost are ignored for the calculation. Then all project variance percentages are algebraically added (some may be negative), and divided by total projects with a variance. This yields the Average Percent Variance. This calculation is performed for active projects in each OBS unit. OBS units include all units at all levels where projects are attached. Portlet filterable by OBS, Financial Status, and Financially Approved. Vertical axis = OBS Unit Name. Horizontal axis = Variance Percent. Data value = Average Percent Variance. Mouseover value = OBS Name + Average Variance Percent.