  • Are you looking for some great examples of dashboards? We know you can’t get enough of them and neither can we! Come to this session to see a host of new reports that Rego has created! This session will review a host of pre-built dashboards in use today that can spark ideas for you to implement in your company. Learn about the Rego approach and method for how we prioritized which reports to create and how we gathered requirements from our Rego experts to target content you need!
  • A Rego Base Training Course that reviews the Jaspersoft Ad Hoc Reporting features.  Elements include an Overview, Accessing Advanced Reporting, Running a Report, Running an Ad Hoc Report, Saving and Accessing a Saved Report, Creating a Cross Tab View, Creating a Chart, Creating a Dashboard, and Scheduling a Report.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with creation of agreements in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  Agreements can be created between Project, Ideas and Custom Investments. The Agreement can convey things needed for predecessors and successors while defining appropriate dates to meet the agreement.   Blueprints can be leveraged to customize the agreements as required.
  • The Custom Attributes in System portlet displays all of the custom attributes present in the system and the lookup (if applicable) associated with each. This portlet is useful finding a custom attribute on an object, auditing, or for documentation purposes. The user may narrow the results by object, data type, and last updated date.
  • The Creating Dependent Lookups Based On Other Fields On The Same Page document provides the steps needed to allow a user to create lookups whose values are dependent on other fields on the same page. Having the ability to use a lookup field whose list of values change based on other fields values on the same page can help reduce the number of fields that might be required and provide more relevant options to the user based on other data selections.
  • A Quick Reference Card to assist in the adding of Subprojects to Programs.  Shows how add and remove from the Subprojects Subpage or from the Hierarchy Tab.
  • This Tech Trick provides step-by-step instructions for adding images into Clarity v13+ for use in portlets.
  • The Lock Inactive Users workflow process will automatically lock all user accounts when their last login date was more than 60 days ago.  The process can be scheduled to run daily or can be run on demand when resource account cleanup is needed.
  • The Open and Close Periods process closes the earliest open time period and opens the first closed time period after the latest open time period. This process may be used for a non-administrator to open and close time periods without having access to the administrative side. The process is executed through the job Execute Process. For example, our oldest time period is January 6, and our most recent is May 1, it would close out January 6, and open a time period for the week after May 1.
  • Are you ready to take your GEL scripting skills to the next level? This class will teach you how to leverage Java within GEL, manipulate or produce flat files, and handle errors effectively.
  • Course Description:   Have you ever thought of using Clarity PPM for surveys or quality audits? Would you like to create dashboards with metrics from surveys, lessons learned, project audits, and quality? In this class, we will review a customer use case where all of this was done in Clarity PPM—linking to SharePoint to capture survey results, then producing dashboards inside of PPM and SharePoint based on very specific metrics.
  • View Rate Matrix is a grid portlet that provides users a single place to view all the rates defined across multiple rate matrix without going to administration tab. Each Matrix may be defined with different columns (ex: Charge Code, Client, Department, Entity, Input type Code etc). This portlet dynamically brings only the columns associated with that rate matrix and provides the detailed information. User can view information related to one matrix at a time.
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