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The Bubble Chart Quick Reference Guide provides the user instructions to customize bubble charts and their color schemes by modifying the query associated with the chart, as well as the portlet options. This is very beneficial as it allows the user to match or blend colors among all of the bubble portlets to better display the information the portlets are delivering. Similar data can be one color while different data can be its own color to better show the overall picture.
The Bubble Chart Quick Reference Guide provides the user instructions to customize bubble charts and their color schemes by modifying the query associated with the chart, as well as the portlet options. This is very beneficial as it allows the user to match or blend colors among all of the bubble portlets to better display the information the portlets are delivering. Similar data can be one color while different data can be its own color to better show the overall picture.
Are you struggling with implementing Agile tools in your organization in addition to CA PPM? This class will review best practices for implementing agile tools in conjunction with CA PPM - living in a Bi-Modal world. We will discuss how CA PPM can be used to govern both types of work and teams and how Agile tools should interface into CA PPM.
Course Description: “For clients that have both ServiceNow and CA PPM, passing information between the systems becomes vital for the enterprise with both ITSM and PPM toolsets. One of the biggest areas of interaction is around Demand Management. Come and see Rego's Integration solution which flexibly allows for ServiceNow records (Incident, Problem, Idea, Enhancement, and Demands) to generate CA PPM Ideas or Projects. This lets you control where you want to perform Demand Management, and the work lands in CA PPM's Project either way.” Download is the slide deck used for the presentation.
The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data. The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
The Capacity Graph portlet displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view. This portlet pulls data from timeslices, and allows the user to filter on a weekly, monthly or quarterly data. The Estimated Time to Complete (ETC) and Allocation data will only show for projects that are active. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyse: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. The graph allows the user to determine where areas of improvement may exist and quickly identify potential areas of constraint. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.