  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.   An overview of Rego’s Digital Ecosystem Assessment offering.   A holistic assessment that evaluates the current state of your project management practices across the following 4 key business areas to compare against industry best practice.  Rego will then develop recommendations for a future state.
    • People
    • Process
    • Technology
    • Governance
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.   This document reviews the discussion around AI and the more realistic option of Predictive Modeling that exists in the near future of PPM.  Then the group worked on ideas to bring to PPM tools via PM.
    • Predictive Modeling / AI Trend
    • Why are we here?  Goals for this session
    • Creativity Workshop - Brainstorming
    • Summary of Themes
    • Qualify top Themes
  • The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure.  The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.
  • The Update Email Ids workflow sets all users’ email addresses to non-working by appending a “ZZZZ” to the end of the email address. This process is used for when there are refreshes to your Development or Testing environments and do not want emails going to users. When complete, the log will display the total amount of email addresses updated. A second process is included in this workflow that will revert the email addresses to remove the “ZZZZ” added in the first workflow. In some instances, the process may be run in error, or you may want to send emails from a Development or Testing environment; using this second process you will be able to enable all emails again.
  • The Resource Vacation Details portlet allows a resource manager, or administrator, to see a resource’s calendar at a glance, displayed by week or month for a selected time period.  This portlet shows the Resource Name, Resource Manager, Calendar, H (holiday), and V (vacation) hours for the select time frame.
  • The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter.  This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Project Name Name of the project
    PM Manager of the project
    Created Date Created Date of the project
    Start Start Date of the project
    Finish Finish Date of the project
    Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter
    Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter
    Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter
    Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter
    Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The Projects That Should Be Closed portlet displays all projects that have been created before the specified filter date and has had no new time, tasks, or risks/issues updated after the dates specified in the filter.  This can assist in identifying projects that are completed or cancelled and should be closed. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Project Name Name of the project
    PM Manager of the project
    Created Date Created Date of the project
    Start Start Date of the project
    Finish Finish Date of the project
    Created Date Check Identifies if the project meets the Created Before (Days) filter
    Risks/Issues Check Identifies if the project meets the Risk/Issues – Days Back filter
    Task Check Identifies if the project meets the Task – Days Back filter
    Time Check Identifies if the project meets the Time – Days Back filter
    Project Check Identifies if the project meets the portlet filter Criteria
    id Internal code used by the query
  • The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
  • The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
  • The Projects Marked for Deletion portlet displays information about projects that are currently pending deletion but excludes templates and programs. This portlet provides an easy way to view all projects that are marked for deletion before the background job actually erases them. The portlet provides all necessary information as well as the project manager in case there are questions about why the project was marked for deletion.
  • The Project Attachments portlet displays all attachments located on every project, regardless of security rights. This portlet is useful for not only the PM, but also the PMO to determine if a document has been uploaded for the toll gating process. It will also display the folder type, folder path, folder name, and file name. You have the ability to filter by project name, code, file name or file name.
  • The Project Attachments portlet displays all attachments located on every project, regardless of security rights. This portlet is useful for not only the PM, but also the PMO to determine if a document has been uploaded for the toll gating process. It will also display the folder type, folder path, folder name, and file name. You have the ability to filter by project name, code, file name or file name.
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