  • Are you still using the classic User Experience? Are you wondering how and when you should transition to the ModernUX? This class will be a practical guide on how to move your users to the ModernUX. We will discuss real use cases and help provide guidance on this strategic decision. We also plan to have a portion of the class that is Q&A from customers that have moved.
  • How do you prioritize work? In many organizations, the traditional forced ranking scale (1-x) alone just isn’t sufficient. There are financial and resource constraints to consider. We must also align with strategic objectives, OKRs, or business outcomes. So how do we go about creating a plan which layers in-flight and proposed work within all these considerations, to create a balanced and prioritized roadmap? How do you drive priorities without driving yourselves crazy? In this session, we will share best practices and lessons learned. You will get a hands-on exploration of a practical, realistic, and flexible approach for bringing all the pieces together to satisfy your organization's planning needs.
  • Are you struggling to come up with a visualization strategy with all of the options available - widgets, portlets, Jaspersoft, Ad Hoc, etc? This class will explore the various visualization tools available in Clarity and help you understand the best way to output your data. We will provide use cases and examples to assist you in developing a strategy for your organization.
  • Canada Life shares their Clarity Implementation experience, and the lessons learned from the process.
  • Did you stray from OOTB? Was that the right decision? This will be a discussion on pros and cons of sticking to Clarity’s stock attributes, views, and general capabilities. When does it make sense to avoid custom configuration? Conversely, when does it make sense to move beyond the standard OOTB setup?
  • The Adoption Dashboard is designed to enhance data integrity and project tracking within Clarity by providing insights into how well users are populating and managing their project and resource data. Features: · Project Data Quality Evaluate the accuracy of project status reporting, risk, issue tracking, and schedule adherence. · Resource Data Quality Assess how well resource managers are managing timesheets, allocations, and actual utilization. · Adoption Scoring View Rate the consistency of data entry across projects and resources on a scale of 0-5, helping identify areas needing improvement. · Variance Analysis View Track discrepancies in project schedules, effort, budgets, and resource commitments. · Compliance Monitoring Ensure that all necessary project and resource data is up-to-date, aiding in more informed decision-making and better project outcomes.
  • Capture and present allocation data by Team for the Investments included in your Roadmap to enable the ability to compare to Targets or Limits. Allocation data can be presented in Hours or FTE, for Teams Only.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the administrative process of updating an OBS in Clarity. An Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) is a hierarchical structure you can use to align resources, projects and investments. Note: the following steps apply when updating a non-financial OBS. The financial OBS (Department and Location OBS) are generally setup as part ofthe Clarity implementation.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the administrative process of updating an Attribute Color in Clarity. The display mappings of an attribute can be configured to indicate a range of values or specific values using colors.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the administrative process of populating a Rate Matrix in Clarity. A rate matrix is used during cost plan population and financial transaction processing to determine costs and rates. You can create cost and rate matrices for labor, materials, equipment, and expense resources.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the administrative process of creating a new Clarity OBS. An Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) is a hierarchical structure that can be used to align resources, projects and investments. An OBS can be used for reporting and access control based on OBS membership. Note: the following steps apply when creating a non-financial OBS. The financial OBS (Department and Location OBS) are generally setup as part of the Clarity implementation.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in the administrative process of adding an attribute to a Clarity object. Attributes store information associated with object views. For example, Start and Finish are a Date type attributes and Project Type is a lookup type attribute on the Project object.
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