Late Tasks with Assignments (JS Report)

Late Tasks with Assignments report displays the list of all Tasks (with their Total ETC Hours) that are not closed but are past their finish date or past their baseline finish date. The report provides Project Manager the ability to view and track late tasks across multiple projects without going into each project individually.

This report displays Project Name, Project Manager, Task Name, Task Status, Task Start Date, Task Finish Date,  Days Old (Elapsed days between Task Finish Date and Today’s Date), Days Late (Elapsed days between Task Finish date and Task Baseline Finish date).

User can further narrow their search by Task Name,  Task Status,  Project ID, Project Name, Project Manager, Is Milestone?, Is late?, Task Start Date, Task Finish Date and  Is Template?. User can use exact dates or relative dates for  Task Start Date and  Task Finish Date filter parameters.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX1433

Submission Date:


Content Type: Business Intelligence

Related Modules: Assignments/ETC

Company: Rego Consulting

Version Support

Versions Supported: 15.x, 16.x

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