  • In many instances, having excess information stored within the database can cause poor performance or slowness when retrieving data. Administrators are always seeking out ways to clean and remove unused information. This technical trick on role removal provides the steps necessary to remove roles that would otherwise be unused and eliminating unwanted information. The Role Removal Technical Trick provides the information for the creation of the following tables and columns which are necessary to perform the role removal:
    1. Role – mapping table
    2. Tables / Columns that need to be updated with Resource ID fields
    3. Tables / Columns that need to be updated with Role Code fields
    4. Tables that will need to be deleted
    5. PRTEAM table should be checked
  • The Custom Attributes in System portlet displays all of the custom attributes present in the system and the lookup (if applicable) associated with each. This portlet is useful finding a custom attribute on an object, auditing, or for documentation purposes. The user may narrow the results by object, data type, and last updated date.
  • The Custom Attributes in System portlet displays all of the custom attributes present in the system and the lookup (if applicable) associated with each. This portlet is useful finding a custom attribute on an object, auditing, or for documentation purposes. The user may narrow the results by object, data type, and last updated date.
  • The Custom Attributes in System portlet displays all of the custom attributes present in the system and the lookup (if applicable) associated with each. This portlet is useful finding a custom attribute on an object, auditing, or for documentation purposes. The user may narrow the results by object, data type, and last updated date.
  • The Current Proxies portlet provides a user with an overview of all the resources in the system currently using a proxy. This portlet is helpful to determine a proxy if a user is currently out of the office. The portlet provides several pieces of information related to the resource including: resource names, proxy, start date, end date, days remaining, total days, and if the proxy is active.  The user may filter by resource name, proxy name, proxy status (defaults to Yes), and start/end dates (defaults to the current date).
  • The Current Proxies portlet provides a user with an overview of all the resources in the system currently using a proxy. This portlet is helpful to determine a proxy if a user is currently out of the office. The portlet provides several pieces of information related to the resource including: resource names, proxy, start date, end date, days remaining, total days, and if the proxy is active.  The user may filter by resource name, proxy name, proxy status (defaults to Yes), and start/end dates (defaults to the current date).
  • The Current Proxies portlet provides a user with an overview of all the resources in the system currently using a proxy. This portlet is helpful to determine a proxy if a user is currently out of the office. The portlet provides several pieces of information related to the resource including: resource names, proxy, start date, end date, days remaining, total days, and if the proxy is active.  The user may filter by resource name, proxy name, proxy status (defaults to Yes), and start/end dates (defaults to the current date).
  • The Creating Dependent Lookups Based On Other Fields On The Same Page document provides the steps needed to allow a user to create lookups whose values are dependent on other fields on the same page. Having the ability to use a lookup field whose list of values change based on other fields values on the same page can help reduce the number of fields that might be required and provide more relevant options to the user based on other data selections.
  • The Allocation Compliance Pie Chart portlet gives a view of active resources' allocation compliance within a date range and OBS displayed in a pie chart.  It allows the user to the percentage of resources over, under, and adequately staffed on projects over a selected time period.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates (required) and OBS.
  • The Allocation Compliance Pie Chart portlet gives a view of active resources' allocation compliance within a date range and OBS displayed in a pie chart.  It allows the user to the percentage of resources over, under, and adequately staffed on projects over a selected time period.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates (required) and OBS.
  • The Allocation Compliance Pie Chart portlet gives a view of active resources' allocation compliance within a date range and OBS displayed in a pie chart.  It allows the user to the percentage of resources over, under, and adequately staffed on projects over a selected time period.   This portlet leverages the daily allocation and daily availability slices as well as only active investments.  The portlet provides filters for specific dates (required) and OBS.
  • The Percent Time by Type and Timescale - Grid portlet shows a breakout of time by timescale for resources the logged in user has view rights for using the timeslices.  This portlet gives the Clarity user the ability to show the amount of hours spent on a project by week, month, quarter and year. Using this portlet, the Clarity user can get an overview of all hours in a time period or use the filter to search for a specific dataset (as required). The portlet provides a filter for OBS and date ranges.
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