This grid displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource. Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS. This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.
The Resource Map portlet is designed to display resource counts, by country, on a map of the world. Clicking one of the resource markers on the map will display the total resource count for that country. Additionally, a link is provided that connects to a grid portlet which displays all resources that reside in that country. The ability to zoom in and out on areas of the world is available. Due to the requirements outlined in the Special Installation Instructions section, this portlet requires 2-3 Rego Consulting hours to install. Further customization of the data on this map and its associated grid portlet may be requested. Please contact us for more details.
Evaluate resource allocations, identify bottlenecks, and ensure optimal resource utilization across projects and teams. Report Views include:
- Allocation Discrepancies
- Resource Detail
- Resource Skills
- Resource Summary
- Resource Tasks
- Staffing Allocations
- Staffing ETC
Evaluate resource allocations, identify bottlenecks, and ensure optimal resource utilization across projects and teams. Report Views include: • Allocation Discrepancies • Resource Detail • Resource Skills • Resource Summary • Resource Tasks • Staffing Allocations • Staffing ETC Demo Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Rzwl1-jbck&list=PLXJ5ktuWV0jiS9CvBpHvBIwpKPmA9uvwK&index=6
Do you want to talk to other customers that are using or plan to use demand management? In this moderated Round Table where customers can share experiences and provide insights on process, configurations, challenges, and successes. We will have an expert panel and then divide into small groups and discuss customer selected topics - 100% sharing.