  • All Status Reports is a grid report that provides project managers a single place to current status report for a single project or across multiple projects. This report provides project information such as ID, Name, Manager, Status, Status report KPI’s (Report overall status, Cost and Effort status, Schedule status & Scope Status) and Portfolio Name. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path, Project Name, Project Manager, Status, Overall Status and Portfolio Name.
  • Time by resource is a grid report that provides resource and project managers a single place to view time logged to projects by resource over a period of time. This report provides information such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Resource Name and Time Logged Hours on period basis. Report provides you the flexibility of changing period type to Year, Quarter, Month and Day. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Name, Investment Name, Period Start Date and Is Investment Active?
  • The portlet is a browser XOG client in the form of an HTML portlet. The purpose is to read/write data from/to Clarity.  To write the data, the user needs to have Project – Approve OR  Project - Approve - All access right.
  • This process emails a log file, as an attachment, to the specified email address.  This is useful for On-Demand clients to be able to view the entire log file instead of just a partial one in the “security.logs” hidden page.
  • The Revenue Forecast by Role portlet displays forecasted revenue by both resource and role on the given project, broken out by month. The table below describes the available filter fields in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    Months Fiscal months to display
  • Calendar View report provides a view of Projects, Milestones or Tasks that has finish date within the user selected month. User has the flexibility to choose to Calendar view as Monthly or Weekly and also number of periods that needs to be displayed in the report. Report can be filtered to show only Projects or Milestones or Tasks with the checkboxes provided. It can also be further filtered using Project Manager and Project OBS parameters.
  • Monthly Actuals - Admin is a standard calendar view of actuals posted by a user on each day of the selected month. Actuals also includes timesheets that haven’t been submitted/posted yet. Actual hours on the report are tied to user's availability i.e. when user has 0 availability (Saturday/Sunday/Holiday) then actuals are also greyed out.
  • The Task-At-A-Glance Notes portlet provides a view of project tasks and assignments in an easy to read format, similar to popular sticky – note applications.  This portlet will display all tasks on a project, ‘pinning’ them to a dashboard.  Each task will include the resources assigned to them, as well as the ETCs left for the resource, and the actuals that they have posted.  Each sticky note allows you to link to the task details, as well as the resource assignment details. In addition to important assignment detail, each pin on the individual task’s note indicates if the task finishes before the baseline (green), or if it is going to finish after the baseline (red).
  • The Task-At-A-Glance Notes portlet provides a view of project tasks and assignments in an easy to read format, similar to popular sticky – note applications.  This portlet will display all tasks on a project, ‘pinning’ them to a dashboard.  Each task will include the resources assigned to them, as well as the ETCs left for the resource, and the actuals that they have posted.  Each sticky note allows you to link to the task details, as well as the resource assignment details. In addition to important assignment detail, each pin on the individual task’s note indicates if the task finishes before the baseline (green), or if it is going to finish after the baseline (red).
  • The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Status portlet gives the ability to view the most recent status report for all sub-projects on a program.  The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. This portlet displays each sub-project, type of status, and the symbol related to the severity.
  • The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Status portlet gives the ability to view the most recent status report for all sub-projects on a program.  The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. This portlet displays each sub-project, type of status, and the symbol related to the severity.
  • The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Status portlet gives the ability to view the most recent status report for all sub-projects on a program.  The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. This portlet displays each sub-project, type of status, and the symbol related to the severity.
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