  • Actuals & ETC by Resource Assignment report provides project managers a single place to view Actuals and ETC associated with resources across multiple Tasks and Projects. It displays the following: Actual and ETC Hours by Start Date: Stacked Column chart that displays the total Actual hours and ETC hours per month of fiscal period. Grey color indicates Actuals and Purple indicates ETC hours during that month. Grid: Displays Investment name, Task, Assigned resource ETC and Actual hours per month of fiscal period. It also displays aggregated column and row totals for Actuals and ETC hours. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Start Date range.
  • Hierarchies and Roadmaps are two powerful capabilities that Clarity has brought to the market. While they work great independently, have you experimented with how they can work together, even better? In this session, come and learn how these two capabilities can complement each other by working in concert giving you both planning and execution insights!
  • A tech trick document that assists you in update Data Source when utilizing the Power BI reports found in RegoXchange.
  • Installation files are not provided with the download.  While the MUX Migration Tool is free, it does require some time by Rego Technical Staff to install.  Approximately 4 hours is required.  If you are current Rego Customer, this time can be applied against a current project if you choose, or against an Ad Hoc SOW/PO you have in place with us. Please reach out to your friendly Rego Account Director to arrange to have the tool installed.  Installation files are not provided with this download.  They will be installed by our staff. If you are currently not a Rego client, we invite you to reach out to us at and we can arrange to set up an Ad Hoc bucket of hours for this install and any future work we can do for you.
    *Note:  MUX Migrator v2.0 will only work on Clarity v16.1.0+   The Migration Tool for Modern UX Components provides the ability to migrate Blueprints, Views, and Field Level Security between environments.  Previously, the promotion of these components needed to be done manually.  This functionality, to be utilized by an administrator, is available under the Custom Objects Area of Clarity. Source to Target Approach The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details.  Once ready, they will use the “Populate Stage Content” action which will run a workflow in the background to populate a Staging Table with Source Environments content.  (Blueprints, Views, and Field Level Security)
    After a successful populate, they would navigate to the “MUX Configuration” module where they can decide on what content they want to migrate between environments.  They can select one to many components they wish to migrate. Once the “MUX Configuration” sub-object is populated, the user can navigate back to the “Properties” module.  Once a password is populated, the user can use the Actions drop-down to run the “Migrate Content to Environment” workflow.  This will run a process that will migrate the content from the source environment to the target environment. JSON Approach The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details.  They would navigate to the “MUX Configuration” module where they can decide on what content they want to migrate between environments.  They can select one to many components they wish to migrate. Once the “MUX Configuration” sub-object is populated, the user can navigate back to the “Properties” module.  The user can use the Actions drop-down to run the “Export JSON” workflow.  This will run a process that will generate a .txt file located in the “JSON File” attribute.  That file can be downloaded from the Source Environment.  The user can then login to the Target Environment.  The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details.  Once the ‘MUX Migrator’ instance is created, they can upload the JSON File that was downloaded from the Source Environment.  The user can use the Actions drop-down to run the “Import JSON” workflow.  This will run a process that will generate read the file located in the “JSON File” attribute and load the configuration into the Target Environment. View Administration The user would first create an ‘MUX Migrator’ instance and populate the associated details.  They would navigate to the “MUX View Administration” module where they can decide on what views they would like to update the creator of.  They can also reset the “default” view displayed when logged in for a resource(s), Security Group(s), or Resource OBS Node(s). Prerequisites
    • The user will create the migrator instances/run the processes in the Target Environment they wish to migrate content to (E.g., Run this in PROD to migrate the content from a lower environment to PROD)
    • Any attributes that are part of the Blueprints, Views, or Field Level Security must exist in the target environment.
    • The user that is utilizing the content must have the following security rights associated to their account.
      • XOG rights to all the associated objects
      • View/edit security rights to the MUX Migrator Object and MUX Migrator Content Object
      • oView rights to the MUX Migrator Staging Table Object
      • API-Access
      • Process Start or Process AutoStart – All
  • Evaluate resource allocations, identify bottlenecks, and ensure optimal resource utilization across projects and teams. Report Views include: • Over Allocation • By Project • By People • Project Resource Details • No Allocations by Project • No Allocations by People The main file will access data through custom queries created via Rego Odata connector.
  • Are you using Clarity's roadmap leveraging some of the best and most common practices found across industries? Come to this session to learn about how the roadmap works, out of the box. We will cover how to configure views, targets, widgets, boards and more! You will leave with great ideas you can bring back to your organization!
  • This session will aligning you with some of the best and most common practices for using Clarity's Resource Management capabilities. Come and learn about the cababilities that come out of the box for resource insights like allocations, assignments, availability and more. Additionally, tips and tricks will be discussed leaving you with a toolkit of ideas for your organization!
  • The PPM Data Dictionary Extractor pulls schema and attribute information from each object in CA PPM and places it in a custom object.  The following fields provide details information about each attribute in the CA PPM Instance.
    • Object Name – The name of the object to which the attribute belongs
    • Object Code – The external ID of the object to which the attribute belongs
    • Attribute Name – The name of the attribute
    • Attribute Code – The external ID of the attribute
    • Partition Code – The partition to which the attribute belongs
    • Table Name – The database table where the attribute is located
    • Column Name – The database column name of the attribute
    • Data Type – The data type of the attribute
    • Data Size – The character limit of the attribute
    • Data Scale – The scale of numeric attributes
    • Is Active – Specifies if the attribute is active
    • Extended Data Type – The extended type of the attribute (ex: lookup, money, etc.)
    • Lookup Name – The name of the attribute’s lookup
    • Lookup Type – The external ID of the attribute’s lookup
    • Default Value – The default value assigned to the attribute
    • API Alias – The REST API alias assigned to the attribute
    • Max Value – The maximum value accepted by the attribute
    • Min Value – The minimum value accepted by the attribute
    • Curve Name – The name of the Curve for Time-Scaled value attributes
    • Curve Type – The type of the Curve for Time-Scaled value attributes
    • Is Custom – Is the attribute a stock attribute or custom
    • Is Auto-Numbered – Is auto-numbering enabled for the attribute
    • Is Multi-Valued – Is the attribute a multi-valued lookup
    • Is DWH Enabled – Is the attribute enabled for export to the data warehouse
    • Is Editable – Is the attribute editable or read-only
    • Is Required – Is the attribute required
    • Is Virtual – Is the attribute a virtual attribute
    • Is Private – Is the attribute a private attribute used by the application behind the scenes
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2021.  This course covered enabling the Modern UX and timesheets, creating a link to the MUX in the classic home menu, creating Blueprints and more.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with accessing the various project views in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  Reviews the Tile, Grid and Board views for projects.
  • Timesheet compliance is a dashboard containing multiple visualizations that shows timesheet compliance data under various scenarios. Dashboard shows count of timesheets grouped by Status and total available timesheets. % Time Compliance – Gauge graph that shows percentage of completed timesheets against overall timesheets. Compliance by Resource Manager – Grid section that shows percent timesheet compliance by resource manager. Timesheet count by Employment type and Timesheet Status – Stacked column chart, each column represents Employment type and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status. Count of Timesheets by Months – Stacked column chart, each column represents a month and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status. Dashboard also const of two grid sections displaying number of Open timesheets by Organization and Vendor.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with use of the Common Grid.   You can find the grid throughout the application to manage projects, tasks, roadmaps, ideas, and timesheets to name a few.  The QRG reviews View Options, Column Adjustments, the Details Panel and more.
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