  • The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range.  This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to.  The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
  • The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range.  This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to.  The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
  • The portlet displays posted time by project for the logged in user based on time period and date range.  This allows the user to see at a glance their ETC and actuals on the projects. The portlet displays the Total Allocation and Total Actuals to Date for the user on the projects they are allocated/assigned to.  The actuals are displayed per month in the form of TSVs.
  • Allocation Compliance Column Chart provides the resource manager a single place to view the Allocation compliance information in the form of a stacked column chart. Allocation Compliance is calculated based on the value of 'Availability to Allocation Hours %'. Allocation Compliance is 'Under Allocated (Less Than 80%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %’ is less than 80. Allocation Compliance is 'Appropriately Allocated (Between 80-120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is between 80 and 120. Allocation Compliance is 'Over Allocated (Over 120%)' WHEN 'Availability to Allocation Hours %' is greater than  120. User can further narrow their search by Resource Is Active?, OBS Type & Path, Associated Project OBS?, Allocation Start Date, Investment Name and Resource Manager. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Allocation Start Date filter parameter.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • This configuration and accompanying process allows users to capture Financial and Non-Financial (Metrics, Soft, etc.) Benefit in a custom sub-object, then programmatically create an out-of-the-box Benefit Plan with just the Financial Portion from the custom sub-object.  The solution is comprised of:
    • Sub-Object (Benefit Plan Details, Parent = Project)
    • Process: Create Benefit Plan (uses sub-object as primary input, native BP is output)
    • Process: Update sql - Cost Benefit Plans (one-time script to update Projects)
    The Process to create the Benefit Plan is initiated when users check the Create Benefit Plan box on the sub-object.  Every time the Process runs it aggregates all rows from the sub-object that are flagged as Financial and creates a new Benefit Plan.  The resulting BP is not linked to any Cost Plans. Users who install this base solution will want to consider:
    • Ensure on the Benefit Details List view the Planned and Realized Amounts are displayed
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process in support of a BP naming convention consistent with local PMO Practices
    • Modifying the Create Benefit Plan Process to link the BP to the Cost Plan of Record
    • Creating a Portlet that pulls together rows of data from the sub-object across multiple projects in a summarized view as well as a detailed view
    Once installed, please refer to the Benefit Detail Functionality Document for how to create Benefit Detail records, initiate the process, and the Benefit Plan Creation.
  • You can now directly query your CA PPM SaaS database without the need for VPN. Utilize the open source SQL client SQuirreL to write read-only queries (up to 1000 rows) against the database.
  • This tech-trick details the steps to set colors for an HTML5 Graph.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by category for portfolio investments. It uses System Provider: Portfolio Investment Provider.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by category for portfolio investments. It uses System Provider: Portfolio Investment Provider.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by category for portfolio investments. It uses System Provider: Portfolio Investment Provider.
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