  • Time by Stage and Timescale – Grid report displays hours for all tasks on projects by their stage for a user-defined time period. Information can be drilled down to Year, Quarter or Monthly level. Using this report, Management can determine if excess time is being spent on a certain task stage within a project You can further narrow your search by Month Start Date, OBS Type & Path, Is Project Active? And Is Template?
  • This portlet provides a view into the number of timesheets that were expected to be completed for a specified time period(s) as well as the number of timesheets that were completed and the percent complete.  This can also be filtered by OBS so that a company can see timesheet compliance at the OBS level.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist resource managers with the approval of timesheets via the Review & Approve tab. This doc references version 16.0.2 views. Doc reviews accessing and selecting timesheets, reviewing submitted timesheets, approving timesheets, approving multiple timesheets, returning timesheets and the timesheet grid.
  • This portlet pulls back the Availability and Allocation totals by Role between a user-specified Start and Finish Date, then the user can drilldown to look at the information for Applications.  The Time Period filter allows for comparing these values across different timeframes (monthly, weekly, quarterly, annual) as desired.  Other filters allow for looking at Active or Inactive Roles (or both) and including Active or Inactive Projects (or both) in the totals.
  • The Adjusted Timesheet Stalker process is designed to be run via a scheduled job. The end user will need to set up the job and can choose the frequency at which this job should be run. The process will search the system for timesheets with a status of ‘Adjusted’. An email is sent to the resource manager for any resources identified as having adjusted timesheets. The email will provide: • Name of resource • Time period The resource manager is advised that once the timesheet is resubmitted, they will need to approve it. A link to the timesheet itself is provided in the body of the email.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist resource managers with the adjusting of timesheets.  This doc references version 16.3 views. Document provides guidance on how to use the Review & Approve tab to adjust time that has already been entered by a resource.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Time Entry Administration Settings for Timesheets.  This doc references version 16.3 views. Document provides detail on Timesheet Options for the Modern UX and how to enable end user column configuration. Detail is also provided on how end users may configure their timesheet view.
  • The Time by Assignment portlet displays time logged to assignments for all investments the logged in user has security rights to view - pulling data from the timeslices. It is capable of displaying the data by weekly, monthly or quarterly segments. The portlet may also be filtered by investment and resource OBS.
  • The Time By Resource and Investment - PM portlet shows time spent on projects where the logged in user is the project manager.  This portlet is used to get a snapshot of investments and the time that has been put against them at the individual resource level for the projects that user has access to. This portlet is used for determining what resources have put time against specific investments and can be used to see where resources are spending their time or to help rationalize ETCs for remaining work for planning purposes. The portlet may be filtered by time-scale, date, resource or investment to narrow the search results.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Entering and Submitting Time in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1 views. Document includes Accessing & Selecting Timesheets, Populate Timesheet, Updating Timesheet, Submitting Timesheet and Entering Time for Someone Else.
  • Project managers may use this portlet to show the planned effort and the remaining effort on projects.  Includes actual hours as well as estimate at completion. You may narrow the results by filtering by project name, project manager, project OBS, or active flag. The portlet will display each project by ID, name, project manager, planned effort (total allocation hours), actual hours, remaining effort (ETC), and estimate at complete (actual + ETC).
  • The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
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