199 results
Allocation Compliance by PM report provides project managers a single place to view Available hours, Allocation Hours and Allocation Percentage of Investment Team Resources. It considers the investments of selected project manager and it displays the following: Allocation Details Grid: Displays Resource and its Allocated hours, Available hours and Allocation percentage (Allocated hours/Available Hours) Allocation Percent by Resource: Column chart that displays Allocation Percentage for various resources during the selected Time frame. You can further narrow your search by Project Manager & Month Start Date range.
Actuals & ETC by Resource Assignment report provides project managers a single place to view Actuals and ETC associated with resources across multiple Tasks and Projects. It displays the following: Actual and ETC Hours by Start Date: Stacked Column chart that displays the total Actual hours and ETC hours per month of fiscal period. Grey color indicates Actuals and Purple indicates ETC hours during that month. Grid: Displays Investment name, Task, Assigned resource ETC and Actual hours per month of fiscal period. It also displays aggregated column and row totals for Actuals and ETC hours. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Start Date range.
Missing Time by RM report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed by Resource Manager. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays missed timesheets count by Resource Manager. Also, there is table view of Resource Manager, Resource, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range).
Missing Time by PM report displays Resources whose timesheets are missed by Project Manager. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays missed timesheets count by Project Manager. Also, there is table view of Project Manager, Resource, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Project Manager, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range).
Missing Time by OBS report displays Resource whose timesheets are missed. There is Clustered Column Chart which displays Timesheets count by Resource. Also, there is table view of Resource, Resource Manager, Time Period Start and Finish Dates, Total Hours and Timesheet status. User can narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Project Manager, Resource Manager, Resource, Timesheet Status and Time Period Start Date (Relative or Specific Date Range).
Capacity Graph report provides the Resource Managers & PMO a single place to view Monthly Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resources. Information is displayed in the form of a line chart. Legend displays the color associated with each metric. Mouse over the line chart displays hours associated with that corresponding metric. This report provides Managers a simple means to analyze: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability and helps in determining the areas of improvement. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Month Start Date, Resource Name, Resource Manager, Primary Role & Employment Type.
Project Time Summary report provides the project manager a single place to view Actual hours, Allocation hours, ETC hours and EAC hours for all filtered projects. It also displays Project ID, Project Name and Project Manager. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Project Name, Project ID, Project Manager, Task Name, Project Status, Project Stage, Project Role, Is Active? and Is Template?.
Assignments by Task Over Time report display all assignments by task for all resources. Information can be drilled down to yearly, quarterly or monthly level. This report helps in determining the tasks a user is assigned to or how many hours a user is assigned to a task. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Project ID, Project Name, Task Name, Assignment Resource, Is project Active?, Is Template? And Month End date.
Time by Task report displays monthly time logged to Tasks for all filtered investments. It also displays total Actual hours associated with a task. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Charge Code, Project Name, Task Name, Task Charge Code, Task Status and Month End Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Month End Date filter parameters.
Resource Availability – 4 Weeks displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. This report also displays Resource Primary Role and Employment Type. User can further narrow their search by Resource Name, Resource Type & Week Start Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Week Start Date filter parameters.
Course description: “Is there a way to simplify time tracking? Time is a function 90% of companies use. What are ways to have time be less of a burden to users? How can you minimize the negative perception? This session will discuss options within CA PPM or outside CA PPM to make time tracking less of a burden for all.” Download file is the presentation slide deck.