  • The My Time portlet provides the logged in user with the ability to view his or her time by project by time period without having to go into each period individually on the Timesheets page.  This portlet uses the actual timeslices to retrieve data.  It displays the amount of time worked per week, month or quarter on projects. The user may specify the dates, time-scaled value and the project name.  The portlet also provides a Total to Date, which shows the total number of actuals for that resource on that assignment.
  • The My Time portlet provides the logged in user with the ability to view his or her time by project by time period without having to go into each period individually on the Timesheets page.  This portlet uses the actual timeslices to retrieve data.  It displays the amount of time worked per week, month or quarter on projects. The user may specify the dates, time-scaled value and the project name.  The portlet also provides a Total to Date, which shows the total number of actuals for that resource on that assignment.
  • Portlet to show the stage of any Action Item triggered by Timesheet submission.  Portlet allows for a period start date input, filters by Resource, Approver, Action Item Status and Timesheet Status.  A link to the action item is provided for direct action by review if needed. This portlet is only for the clients who have established a process that triggers on Timesheet Status change to Submitted and to send Action Items to the person responsible for timesheet approval/validation i.e. PM for project tracking and/or RM for overall approval of the timesheet. The portlet won’t display any data if there are no timesheet Action Items.  Examples of such processes would be CA’s OOTB Project Manager Approval or the Timesheet Approval - PM and RM process found on RegoXchange.
  • Monthly Actuals - Admin is a standard calendar view of actuals posted by a user on each day of the selected month. Actuals also includes timesheets that haven’t been submitted/posted yet. Actual hours on the report are tied to user's availability i.e. when user has 0 availability (Saturday/Sunday/Holiday) then actuals are also greyed out.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist resource managers with the adjusting of timesheets.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides guidance on how to use the Review & Approve tab to adjust time that has already been entered by a resource.
  • The Missing Time by OBS portlet displays all missing or late timesheets for resources staffed within a specific OBS.   Resources will be included if they are open for time entry, have the track mode of ‘Clarity’ and have a timesheet that is not posted. The portlet accommodates for hire and termination dates.  Also, the portlet only shows resources that the active user has the security rights to view. Administrators and the Project Management Office may use this portlet to determine the timesheet status of all resources within a specific OBS in open time periods. This portlet allows a user to quickly search by OBS and view all timesheets under that area. After selecting the OBS, the user can also filter on time period start date, Resource Manager and/or Project Manager. The portlet will display a ‘Stop Light’ indicator based on timesheet status, the status, period start, Resource Name, Resource Manager and any actual hours entered for the timesheet.
  • The Auto-Approve Old Timesheets workflow process can be run through the "Execute a Process" job and may be used to quickly close out timesheets for a specified timeframe for period closure.  The workflow will execute a query that will automatically approve ALL (no matter the status of the timesheet) timesheets that have a time period start date before the Approve Date specified within the process itself.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist resource managers with the adjusting of timesheets.  This doc references version 16.1 views. Document provides guidance on how to use the Review & Approve tab to adjust time that has already been entered by a resource.
  • The Timesheets by Resource portlet gives the ability to highlight the time periods where resources are working overtime or working less than 25 hours a week. The filter requires timesheet Start Date and End Date to be provided. Additionally, the information can be filtered by Resource, Resource ID, OBS Unit, Employment Type, Resource Manager, Open for Time, and Active status. This portlet displays Resource, Resource ID, Active (yes/no), Employment Type, Primary Role, Resource Manager, and Timesheet Hours Flag. The flags are set with the logic
    • Yellow = timesheets not posted / zero hour timesheets
    • Green = where number of hours posted is > 25 and less than 45
    • Red = where number of hours posted is < 25 or > 45
    The thresholds can, of course, be modified.
  • The Global Action Items portlet will help users and clarity admins to keep track of action items in the CA PPM system. This is useful to keep track of Timesheet Approval through Action Item or any other Action Item related workflows. The portlet displays Name, Type Assignee, Created by, Due Date, Health and Status of the Action Items as default columns. The portlet provides  Project, Project Manager, Project OBS, Assignee, Status and Due Dates of the Action Items as default filters.
  • A Process run via Execute a Process job; sends an email to active resources, containing a facsimile of their Resource Allocation Detail page.  It shows the next six weeks of allocations by investment, with a column total.  The email also contains a click here link to this page in CA PPM, to enable editing of the data, as appropriate.
  • The Time Tracking Stalker – Resource workflow process is used to notify resources that fail to submit a timesheet in a prior week. The workflow checks for active resources, hire/termination dates, track mode, and open for time entry. This process helps to ensure resources submit timesheets in a timely manner.  In version 13, the email can be enhanced to include colors, bold, underline, and other HTML formatting.
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