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Resource Availability – 4 Weeks is a grid portlet that displays all resources with their total allocated hours by week, and an average availability percent (4 Wk Avail %) for next four weeks. If % Available is negative, this indicates an over-allocation. Zero% Average Availability indicates fully allocated (no remaining availability). Filterable by Role, Resource, Resource Type, Full-Time/Part-Time, Availability Range. Contractor Type is a custom attribute (Lookup - String) created on the Resource object. It is attached to the lookup, Contractor Type (Lookup ID: REGO_CONTRACTOR_TYPE) that has static values Part Time (PT) and Full Time(FT).
Have you looked in the regoXchange or reviewed Rego’s innovation offerings? This class will show you the power of Rego’s pre-built content library, integrations, and other assets. See example after example of portlets, processes, and materials you can use to add value to your instance of Clarity. Learn how you can introduce email-based approvals with Rego's action item responder. Get a peek at Rego's new MSP integration that avoids the issues faced with the OOTB integration. Finally, understand Rego's pre-built connectors and how they can benefit your instance. Including blueprint migrator. Include free tools like GEL builder, query, XOGbridge.
The process is built to clear the random timesheet locks that happens occasionally. There are three Processes and one lookup component and one job definition in the package.
- PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal (ID: rego_prlock_rec_rmvl). This process requires PRNAME, PRTABLENAME and PRRECORDID from PRLock Table.
- The Lookup PRLock Check (Timesheet) (Id: REGO_PRLOCK_CHECK) should be used to update the GEL parameters for the above process.
- PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal All (ID: rego_prlk_rc_rmv_all) This deletes ALL prtimesheet locks.
- Rego Remove Timesheet Locks (ID: rego_rmv_ts_locks). This process is run as a job “PrLock Clear for Timesheet Locks” which performs the same functionality as the above two processes. The process and job definition are separate XOG files.
- PRLock (Timesheets) Record Removal (ID: rego_prlock_rec_rmvl). This process requires PRNAME, PRTABLENAME and PRRECORDID from PRLock Table.
The Timesheet Smoothing Process Workflow kicks-off when an individual timesheet is Submitted. It splits each transaction on the timesheet when total timesheet actuals exceed total weekly availability for the resource. Total weekly availability is determined by multiplying resource availability rate by the number of workdays in the week. Non-workdays include weekends, holidays, PTO, and other scheduled days off, as set on the resource calendar. If timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, then the timesheet remains unchanged. But if timesheet actuals > total weekly availability, then the following occurs. Each timesheet transaction is reduced by a calculated percentage that will reduce the total regular hours to equal the total weekly availability. Then the remaining transaction hours are placed in a “Split” row for that task on that day, with an Input Type Code set based on a process parameter (which parameter can be set within the script action on the process). Note: If a single day has overtime hours, but the total timesheet actuals <= total weekly availability, no splitting occurs.
Time by Task report displays monthly time logged to Tasks for all filtered investments. It also displays total Actual hours associated with a task. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Charge Code, Project Name, Task Name, Task Charge Code, Task Status and Month End Date. User can use exact dates or relative dates for Month End Date filter parameters.
Time by Investment report displays time spent by resources on investment(s). User can view only the investments that he has access to view. Information can be drilled to Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly level. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Name, Month Start Date and Is Project Active?.
The REGO Timesheets - WIP portlet displays timesheet information for timesheets that have a status of posted but have not been posted to the WIP tables. This does not include records hung up in invalid transactions. Users can further narrow their search by Project Name, Resource Name, Timesheet Status, Start Date, and Finish Date.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Time Entry Administration Settings for Timesheets. This doc references version 16.0.2 views. Document provides detail on Timesheet Options for the Modern UX and how to enable end user column configuration. Detail is also provided on how end users may configure their timesheet view.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Entering and Submitting Time in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.0.2 views. Document includes Accessing & Selecting Timesheets, Populate Timesheet, Updating Timesheet, Submitting Timesheet and Entering Time for Someone Else.
This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Entering and Submitting Time in Clarity’s Modern User Experience. This doc references version 16.0.3 views. Document includes Accessing & Selecting Timesheets, Populate Timesheet, Updating Timesheet, Submitting Timesheet and Entering Time for Someone Else.