790 results
The Proposed Estimates vs. Task Estimates portlet gives the ability to identify when the Proposed Estimates for any given task exceed the Task Estimates. The portlet filters by investment name, investment ID, project OBS unit, investment active (yes/no/all), investment manager, resource name, resource ID, resource OBS unit, resource active (yes/no/all), and resource manager. Additionally, the results can be filtered by the proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no/all). The information provided on the portlet includes the investment name, investment ID, investment active (yes/no), investment start/end dates, task name, resource name, resource active (yes/no), resource manager, total hours, total ETC, proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no), pending actual hours, and proposed ETC hours.
The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Change Requests portlet gives the ability to view all change requests of sub-projects of a program. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. The portlet sorts the issues first by status, in descending order, and then by target date. It displays the sub-project name, change request name, owner, status, target date, approved by, and the priority.
The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Change Requests portlet gives the ability to view all change requests of sub-projects of a program. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. The portlet sorts the issues first by status, in descending order, and then by target date. It displays the sub-project name, change request name, owner, status, target date, approved by, and the priority.
The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Change Requests portlet gives the ability to view all change requests of sub-projects of a program. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. The portlet sorts the issues first by status, in descending order, and then by target date. It displays the sub-project name, change request name, owner, status, target date, approved by, and the priority.
The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Open Issues portlet gives the ability to view issues on sub-projects of a program that are not closed or resolved. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. The portlet sorts the issues first by priority and then by target date. It displays the sub-project name, issue name, owner, target date, status and priority.
The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Open Issues portlet gives the ability to view issues on sub-projects of a program that are not closed or resolved. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. The portlet sorts the issues first by priority and then by target date. It displays the sub-project name, issue name, owner, target date, status and priority.
The Program Dashboard Sub-Project Open Issues portlet gives the ability to view issues on sub-projects of a program that are not closed or resolved. The portlet will pull the "id" from the page it is placed on, so this portlet is usually placed on the dashboard tab. The portlet sorts the issues first by priority and then by target date. It displays the sub-project name, issue name, owner, target date, status and priority.
The Pending Actuals portlet displays pending actuals for resources by task. This portlet allows the user to filter on Project, Project Manager, Is Active and Is Open for Time Entry. This portlet provides Resource Managers and Project Managers a simple way to analyse which actuals have been submitted but not posted on specific tasks, as well as the aggregate pending hour total. Note: the information displayed is dependent on what the user has security rights to view.
The Team Skills portlet displays Skill Proficiency and Interest Level by Resource. Users can utilize this view to search for Resources by Skill, Parent Skill, Interest, Role, Parent Role, Resource and Resource OBS. This portlet grants a Project Manager or Resource Manager the ability to determine which Resources best fit the needs for their project.