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Project Health by PM is a dashboard that contains multiple visualizations showing various KPIs of projects managed by a project manager. Dashboard shows KPIs like summary of Over Due tasks, Critical tasks, Unfilled roles on Project, Effort and Schedule variance etc. Spend this month – Area graph that shows Actual vs Budget cost for current month. Spend and Budget by Year – Ribbon chart that shows yearly distribution of Actual vs Budget cost. Project Map by Estimated time left – Tree map representing ETC hours remaining on each project. Team – Grid section that shows list of team members with respective Actuals and ETC hours. Actual Hours, Allocated Hours and ETC Hours by Fiscal Month – Area graph that shows monthly distribution of Actuals vs Allocation vs ETC.
Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month report provides the Project Managers a single place to view Project Budget, Planned and Actual Cost for multiple projects. This report displays Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month in the form of clustered bar chart over a period of time. User can further drill down the information to investment level by selecting a particular bar within the chart. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Project(s), Project Manager, Month Start and End Date.
A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022. Document reviews the 7 trends that Rego is seeing in the PPM space.
- Trend 1: Going Beyond Strategic Alignment
- Trend 2: Pivoting Quickly
- Trend 3: Value Scrutiny for PPM
- Trend 4: Hybrid Financial Management
- Trend 5: AI has the Buzz, Predictive Analytics has the Momentum
- Trend 6: Balanced Ecosystem of Tools
- Trend 7: Collaboration
All Change Requests report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Change Requests. All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Change Request Count: Scorecard that displays the # of Change Requests for the selected criteria. Change Request by Priority: Column chart that displays # of Change Request by Priority. X axis displays various Change Request priority. Data labels indicate the number of Change Request associated with that category. Change Request Status: Column chart that displays # of Change Request by Status. X axis displays various Status. Data labels indicate the number of Change Request associated with that Status. Grid: Displays Change Request details such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Change Request ID, Change Request Name, Status, Priority and Expected Close Date. You can further narrow your search by Expected Close Date Range, OBS Type and OBS Path.
All Risks report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Risks. All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Risk Count: Scorecard that displays the # of Risks for the selected criteria. Risk Priority: Column chart that displays # of Risks by Priority. X axis displays various Risk Priorities. Data labels indicate the number of Risks associated with that category. Risk by Status: Column chart that displays # of Risks by Status. X axis displays various Risk statuses. Data labels indicate the number of Risks associated with that status. Risk by Target Resolution Date: Column chart that displays # of Risks by year of Target Resolution Date. X axis displays Year. Data labels indicate the number of Risks associated with that category. Grid: Displays Risk details such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Risk ID, Risk Name, Owner, Status, Priority and Target Resolution Date. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path and Target Resolution Date range.
This session will aligning you with some of the best and most common practices for using Clarity's Project Management capabilities. Come and learn about the capabilities that come out of the box for excellent project management. Things like objects, views, financial plans and general project management capabilities will be covered. Additionally, tips and tricks will be discussed leaving you with a toolkit of ideas.
A slide deck that reviews the processes for time entry and approval of timesheets in Clarity’s Modern UX. Used for Rego’s training engagements, it covers the Time Entry process via flow chart, steps for submitting a timesheet, adjusting a returned timesheet, and adding or removing tasks from a timesheet.
All Issues report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Issues. All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Open Issues: Scorecard that displays the # of Issues that are not closed or resolved. Average Days Open: Scorecard that displays the # of days on an average an issue is in open state. Issue category: Column chart that displays # of Issues by category. X axis displays various Issue categories. Data labels indicate the number of Issues associated with that category. Issue Priority: Column chart that displays # of Issues by priority. X axis displays various Issue priority. Data labels indicate the number of Issues associated with that priority. Grid: Displays Issue details such as Project ID, Project, Issue ID, Issue, Category, Assigned To, Status, Priority, Target Resolution Date and Days Open. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path, Project(s) and Project Manager.
Project Manager- Resource/Compliance report provides project managers a single place to view Compliance status for various critical KPIs. All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations.
- Unfilled Demand: Donut chart that gives you the count of roles (within projects) that are not filled by resources.
- # Of New team members: Scorecard that displays the count of new team members added to the projects.
- Resource Constraints: Donut chart that gives you the count of Over utilized and underutilized resources
- Unsubmitted Time: Dial gauge that displays the count of resources that did not submit time.
- Stale Tasks: Dial gauge that displays the count of tasks that are past their due date
- Status Report Compliance: Dial gauge that displays the compliance of status reports for various projects.