  • Gain an overview of program-level performance, track program milestones, and assess overall program health.  Report Views include:
    • Change Requests
    • Program Costs Trend
    • Program Costs
    • Program Drill Thru
    • Program Effort
    • Program Gantt
    • Program Issues
    • Program Milestones
    • Program Risks
    • Program Staff
    • Program Status Reports
    • Program Summary
    • Program Tasks
    Demo Video - The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse.  For clients on Rego’s AWS hosting, we have versions that work with Oracle and Postgres DB and access the live database, if the Rego Odata connector is being used.
  • Make sure project deliverables are completed on time by tracking work progress and monitoring task assignments.  Report Views include:
    • Work Details
    • Work Overview
    • Work Risk Issue and Change
    The main .rpt file will access data through the Data Warehouse.  For clients on Rego’s AWS hosting, we have versions that work with Oracle and Postgres DB and access the live database, if the Rego Odata connector is being used.
  • Actuals & ETC by Resource Assignment report provides project managers a single place to view Actuals and ETC associated with resources across multiple Tasks and Projects. It displays the following: Actual and ETC Hours by Start Date: Stacked Column chart that displays the total Actual hours and ETC hours per month of fiscal period. Grey color indicates Actuals and Purple indicates ETC hours during that month. Grid: Displays Investment name, Task, Assigned resource ETC and Actual hours per month of fiscal period. It also displays aggregated column and row totals for Actuals and ETC hours. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path & Start Date range.
  • The Adoption Dashboard is designed to enhance data integrity and project tracking within Clarity by providing insights into how well users are populating and managing their project and resource data. Features: · Project Data Quality Evaluate the accuracy of project status reporting, risk, issue tracking, and schedule adherence. · Resource Data Quality Assess how well resource managers are managing timesheets, allocations, and actual utilization. · Adoption Scoring View Rate the consistency of data entry across projects and resources on a scale of 0-5, helping identify areas needing improvement. · Variance Analysis View Track discrepancies in project schedules, effort, budgets, and resource commitments. · Compliance Monitoring Ensure that all necessary project and resource data is up-to-date, aiding in more informed decision-making and better project outcomes.
  • All Status report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Status Reports.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Status Report Count:  Scorecard that displays the # of Status Reports for the selected criteria. Status Report by Cost Effort Status:  Column chart that displays # of Status Reports by Cost Effort. X axis displays various Cost Effort Status. Data labels indicate the number of Status Reports associated with that category. Status Report by Schedule Status: Column chart that displays # of Status Reports by Schedule Status. X axis displays various Schedule statuses. Data labels indicate the number of Status Reports associated with that status. Status Report by Scope Status: Column chart that displays # of Status Reports by Scope Status. X axis displays various Scope statuses. Data labels indicate the number of Status Reports associated with that status. Grid: Displays Status Report details such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Report Name, Report ID, Overall Status, Cost Effort, Schedule Status and Scope Status. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path and Report Date range
  • All Assignments report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Task Assignments.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Total Actuals: Scorecard that displays the sum of actuals associated with assignments for the selected criteria. Remaining ETC:  Scorecard that displays the sum of current ETC associated with assignments for the selected criteria. Top 5 Roles (Total Effort):  Column chart that displays Effort (Actuals + ETC) by Roles. X axis displays various Roles. Data labels indicate sum of effort associated with that Role. Actuals by OBS level 2:  Column chart that displays Actuals by OBS level 2. X axis displays various OBS level 2. Data labels indicate sum of actuals associated with that OBS. Grid: Displays Assignment details such as Project ID, Project Name, Task Name, Task Status, Assigned Resource, Assignment Status, Assignment Start, Assignment Finish, Actuals, ETC, Total Effort, Days Late and Days Old. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path, Project(s) and Project Manager.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with accessing the various project views in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  Reviews the Tile, Grid and Board views for projects.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with use of the Common Grid.   You can find the grid throughout the application to manage projects, tasks, roadmaps, ideas, and timesheets to name a few.  The QRG reviews View Options, Column Adjustments, the Details Panel and more.
  • Allocation Compliance by PM report provides project managers a single place to view Available hours, Allocation Hours and Allocation Percentage of Investment Team Resources. It considers the investments of selected project manager and it displays the following: Allocation Details Grid: Displays Resource and its Allocated hours, Available hours and Allocation percentage (Allocated hours/Available Hours) Allocation Percent by Resource: Column chart that displays Allocation Percentage for various resources during the selected Time frame. You can further narrow your search by Project Manager & Month Start Date range.
  • Capacity Graph report displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments for one or more active resource(s) in a single view.  Report contains the following components: KPIs: Displays Available hours, Allocation + ETC for filtered criteria. Bar graph: Displays Allocation + ETC by primary role Line chart: Displays Availability, Allocations, Actuals and Assignments by time period. This portlet provides Resource Managers, PMOs and Executives with a simple way to analyze: Allocations vs. Availability, Allocations vs. Actuals, Allocations vs. ETC and ETC vs. Availability. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Resource Manager, Primary Role, Start and End Date.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with General Navigation in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.0 views.  Doc reviews the Menu Bar and User Tool Bar.
  • Project Time Summary report provides view of Allocation hours, EAC hours, ETC hours and Actual hours for Projects.  User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path and Project Manager.
  • This is a list of 12 typical maintenance items that should be completed for Clarity on an annual basis.  There is also a short list of items that should be completed periodically depending on client policies.
  • Project Health by PM is a dashboard that contains multiple visualizations showing various KPIs of projects managed by a project manager. Dashboard shows KPIs like summary of Over Due tasks, Critical tasks, Unfilled roles on Project, Effort and Schedule variance etc. Spend this month – Area graph that shows Actual vs Budget cost for current month. Spend and Budget by Year – Ribbon chart that shows yearly distribution of Actual vs Budget cost. Project Map by Estimated time left – Tree map representing ETC hours remaining on each project. Team – Grid section that shows list of team members with respective Actuals and ETC hours. Actual Hours, Allocated Hours and ETC Hours by Fiscal Month – Area graph that shows monthly distribution of Actuals vs Allocation vs ETC.
  • Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month report provides the Project Managers a single place to view Project Budget, Planned and Actual Cost for multiple projects. This report displays Project Budget vs Planned vs Actual by Month in the form of clustered bar chart over a period of time. User can further drill down the information to investment level by selecting a particular bar within the chart. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Project(s), Project Manager, Month Start and End Date.
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.  Document reviews the 7 trends that Rego is seeing in the PPM space.
    • Trend 1: Going Beyond Strategic Alignment
    • Trend 2: Pivoting Quickly
    • Trend 3: Value Scrutiny for PPM
    • Trend 4: Hybrid Financial Management
    • Trend 5: AI has the Buzz, Predictive Analytics has the Momentum
    • Trend 6: Balanced Ecosystem of Tools
    • Trend 7: Collaboration
  • What should I expect to see within my organization related to PM over the next couple of years? How should I prepare my PMs, PMOs, or myself to embrace the new trends within the industry. This class will share Rego's observations on industry trends within PPM.
  • All Change Requests report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Change Requests.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Change Request Count:  Scorecard that displays the # of Change Requests for the selected criteria. Change Request by Priority:  Column chart that displays # of Change Request by Priority. X axis displays various Change Request priority. Data labels indicate the number of Change Request associated with that category. Change Request Status:  Column chart that displays # of Change Request by Status. X axis displays various Status. Data labels indicate the number of Change Request associated with that Status. Grid: Displays Change Request details such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Change Request ID, Change Request Name, Status, Priority and Expected Close Date. You can further narrow your search by Expected Close Date Range, OBS Type and OBS Path.
  • All Risks report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Risks.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Risk Count:  Scorecard that displays the # of Risks for the selected criteria. Risk Priority:  Column chart that displays # of Risks by Priority. X axis displays various Risk Priorities. Data labels indicate the number of Risks associated with that category. Risk by Status: Column chart that displays # of Risks by Status. X axis displays various Risk statuses. Data labels indicate the number of Risks associated with that status. Risk by Target Resolution Date: Column chart that displays # of Risks by year of Target Resolution Date. X axis displays Year. Data labels indicate the number of Risks associated with that category. Grid: Displays Risk details such as Investment ID, Investment Name, Investment Manager, Risk ID, Risk Name, Owner, Status, Priority and Target Resolution Date. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path and Target Resolution Date range.
  • This session will aligning you with some of the best and most common practices for using Clarity's Project Management capabilities. Come and learn about the capabilities that come out of the box for excellent project management. Things like objects, views, financial plans and general project management capabilities will be covered. Additionally, tips and tricks will be discussed leaving you with a toolkit of ideas.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the process of entering and submitting timesheets in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  The document reviews Accessing and Selecting Timesheets, Population of the Timesheet, and Updating Time & Submitting.
  • A slide deck that reviews the processes for time entry and approval of timesheets in Clarity’s Modern UX.  Used for Rego’s training engagements, it covers the Time Entry process via flow chart, steps for submitting a timesheet, adjusting a returned timesheet, and adding or removing tasks from a timesheet.
  • All Issues report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Issues.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Open Issues:  Scorecard that displays the # of Issues that are not closed or resolved. Average Days Open: Scorecard that displays the # of days on an average an issue is in open state. Issue category:  Column chart that displays # of Issues by category. X axis displays various Issue categories. Data labels indicate the number of Issues associated with that category. Issue Priority:  Column chart that displays # of Issues by priority. X axis displays various Issue priority. Data labels indicate the number of Issues associated with that priority. Grid: Displays Issue details such as Project ID, Project, Issue ID, Issue, Category, Assigned To, Status, Priority, Target Resolution Date and Days Open. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path, Project(s) and Project Manager.
  • Project Manager- Resource/Compliance report provides project managers a single place to view Compliance status for various critical KPIs.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations.
    • Unfilled Demand: Donut chart that gives you the count of roles (within projects) that are not filled by resources.
    • # Of New team members: Scorecard that displays the count of new team members added to the projects.
    • Resource Constraints: Donut chart that gives you the count of Over utilized and underutilized resources
    • Unsubmitted Time:  Dial gauge that displays the count of resources that did not submit time.
    • Stale Tasks:  Dial gauge that displays the count of tasks that are past their due date
    • Status Report Compliance:  Dial gauge that displays the compliance of status reports for various projects.
    You can further narrow your search by Project Manager
  • Project Status and Costs report has the details of the Project Schedule, Scope, Cost and Effort Statuses along with Planned, Budget & Actuals costs. There is also graphical representation that shows Top 10 projects by Planned Cost, Budget vs Planned vs Actuals by Cost Type. User can further narrow their search by OBS Type & Path, Project(s) and Project Manager.
  • Rego’s Clarity Adoption Metrics package consists of two sets of metrics: Project metrics, and Resource metrics. Project metrics measure how effectively project managers are using Clarity to manage their projects. Resource metrics measure how effectively resource managers are using Clarity to manage resources. Metrics are scored on a scale of 0 to 5, with higher scores indicating greater adoption and use. All metrics can be viewed numerically or graphically, and can be broken out by OBS. In addition, metric data can display as a 12-month rolling history to help identify trends. Project metrics can also display by lowest / highest adoption rates for a specific resource metric or all resource metrics. There is a variety of way to view the Adoption Metric data, therefore, Rego has made this simple by creating an Adoption Metrics object that contains multiple tabs.  Each tab displays one or more of the Project or Resource Adoption Metrics.  Based on the nature of the Metrics some tabs will allow the ability to use a pull down menu to select a specific Adoption Metric.   There is also a Metrics trending view that pulls monthly snapshots of the metrics. Project metrics consist of the following:
    • Project Status Reporting – Measures how well PMs create and publish project status reports.
    • Project Risk Adoption – Measures how well Risks are being used and managed.
    • Project Issue Adoption – Measures how well Issues are being used and managed.
    • Project Schedule – Measures how well PMs create tasks and keep the project schedule current.
    • Project Baseline – Measures whether or not baselines exist.
    • Project Zero ETC’s – Measures how well the PM assigns resources to tasks with ETCs.
    • Project Past ETC’s – Measures how many improperly scheduled tasks the PM has.
    • Project Milestone / Key Tasks – Measures how well PMs create and manage Milestones / Key Tasks.
    • Project Schedule Variance – Measures how effectively PMs manage their schedules.
    • Project Effort Variance – Measures how effectively PMs manage their project efforts.
    • Project Budget Variance – Measures how effectively PMs manage budgets or cost plans.
    • Project Unfilled Roles – Measures project roles with allocations that are already started or starting within the next 30 days.
    • Project Data Quality – Measures how effectively PMs complete the Description, Stage, Progress, Objective, and Sponsor/Business Owner fields.
    • Project Commitment – Measures the hard allocations for a project over a two week time frame.
    Resource Metrics consist of the following:
    • Resource Clarity Usage – Measures how often users log into Clarity.
    • Resource Timesheet – Measures if timesheets post in a timely manner.
    • Resource Allocation – Measures how well RMs keep total resource allocations within the expected range for future time periods.
    • Resource Actualy Utilization – Measures how well Resource allocations match actuals.
    • Resource Allocation Date in the Past – Measures how many resources are open for time entry with dates in the past.
    • Resource Data Quality – Measures how well RMs complete the Resource Manager and Primary Role fields and optionally the Skill and Employment Type fields.
    • Resource Commitment – Measures how much resource available time is committed to projects.
  • All Tasks report provides project managers a single place to view KPIs related to Tasks.  All the KPIs are depicted in various visualizations. Pending Actuals:  Scorecard that displays the # of Actuals that are still open and not yet posted. Average Days Old:  Scorecard that displays the average number of Task Days Old. Days Old is the difference between Task Finish date and Today’s Date (when Today’s Date > Task Finish date. In other cases, it is zero) Tasks by Finish Date: Column chart that displays # of Tasks by Year of Finish date. X axis display Calendar years. Data labels indicate the number of Tasks finish date within that year. Actuals by OBS level 2: Column chart that displays sum of Task Actuals by OBS level 2. X axis display OBS level2. Data labels indicate the Actuals within that OBS level2. Grid: Displays Risk details such as Project Name, Project Manager, Task Name, Task Status, Start Date, Finish Date, Days Late, Days Old, Actuals, ETC and Pending Actuals Days Late is the difference between Task Finish date and Baseline Finish Date (when Baseline Finish Date > Task Finish date. In other cases, it is zero) You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path, Project(s) and Project Manager.
  • Assignments by Task Over Time report display all assignments by task for all resources. Information is displayed on monthly basis. This report displays Investment Name, Task Name, Resource Name and its monthly assignments. You can further narrow your search by OBS Type & Path, Investment Manager, Investment Name, and Year
  • You are no longer regulated to the desktop browser to respond to action items.  Learn how Rego solved this problem using just your email.  We’ll talk about various use cases where you would get maximum benefit from a simple response on an action item directly from your email. It doesn’t matter if you are using email on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet. The Action Item Responder as you covered.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with utilization of the Staffing page in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on the layout and capabilities of the Staff Grid as well as the Allocations Timeline. Information is provided on columns, widgets and filtering. Instructions are provided on how to save Views. Summary information is provided on the layout of the Allocation Timeline and includes detail on the Investment Timeline and the Resource Histogram. Investment Timeline summary contains information on the Allocations by Investments and the Allocations by Resources tabs. While the Resource Histogram section provides screenshots on Resource Availability and Resources by Role.
  • A slide deck used in Rego’s training classed for Project Management in the Modern User Experience.  Reviews terms and definitions, the OBS, Work Breakdown Structure, Templates, Roles and Responsibilities, Allocation vs ETC, Accessing Projects, Project Creation, Staffing, Tasks, Assignments, To Dos, Project Financials, and more.
  • Project Variance report provides project managers a single place to view all their active projects, open tasks, Task EAC hours, Task Baseline hours and their variance.  Project Managers can use this report to view and manage their projects progress against their baselines. They can easily detect the projects that are running behind and pinpoint the tasks that are causing the variance in the schedule.  You can further narrow your search by OBS Type, OBS Path and Project.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist in managing project task in Clarity’s Modern UX via the Task List Tab.  Provides a quick review of WBS, accessing the Task List Tab, the associate Sub Tabs, task level conversations, Task To Do’s, Task Assignments, and Task Properties.
  • Struggling to use an external scheduler like MS Project or Smartsheet with Clarity or investigating its potential? Learn how to effectively use these tools with Clarity in this training, which includes best practices and lessons learned.  We will show both OOTB and Rego build connectors that will make the bidirectional connections seamless.
  • Are your project teams using SharePoint effectively and getting the most value out of it? Is document management a daily struggle? Learn how to use SharePoint with Clarity in a more seamless way to improve collaboration and team productivity.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with utilization of the Staffing page in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document provides detail on the layout and capabilities of the Staff Grid as well as the Allocations Timeline. Information is provided on columns, widgets and filtering. Instructions are provided on how to save Views. Summary information is provided on the layout of the Allocation Timeline and includes detail on the Investment Timeline and the Resource Histogram. Investment Timeline summary contains information on the Allocations by Investments and the Allocations by Resources tabs. While the Resource Histogram section provides screenshots on Resource Availability and Resources by Role.
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