  • The portlet shows the Overall Status and Budget Status and Amounts. It displays one row per project. The portlet shows the following main fields: Overall Status, Budget Status, Capital Budget, Operating Budget, Total Budget, Capital Planed, Operating Planned, Total Planned, Capital Actuals, Operating Actuals, Total Actuals, Budget Variance ($), Budget Variance (%) Displaying the budget variance allows the PM to understand of the project is over / under spent, and thus the costs planning needs to be re-visited.
  • A Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creating and managing of Cost Plans in Clarity.  The document uses screen shots from the Classic UX using the Phoenix theme.
  • A Quick Reference guide to assist in the creation and management of project cost and budget plans in Clarity’s Modern UX.  Reviews the access of project details from the Project Grid or Tile views, creation of a cost and budget plan, and edits to those plans.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with accessing Project Financials in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.
    • ITFM Introduction
    • PMO & IT Finance Collaboration
    • Where ITFM and PPM Meet
    • Connecting PPM with ITFM
  • Does project and idea estimation take too long and lack visibility? This class will address one of the most common pain points within organizations: how to involve the right people within a timely project estimate. Learn Rego’s model for defining, calculating, and modifying idea and project estimates, so you can increase throughput and ROI.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this bar-chart portlet displays number of investments per stage. This provides a holistic overview of where the projects are within the organization.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this bar-chart portlet displays number of investments per stage. This provides a holistic overview of where the projects are within the organization.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this bar-chart portlet displays number of investments per stage. This provides a holistic overview of where the projects are within the organization.
  • The portlet shows the project spend to vendors by month.  The Vendor field picked on the portlet comes from the Vendor mentioned when creating the voucher (as displayed on the first screenshot).  This provides a nice view of identifying how much is spent by an organization on the vendor employees on their workforce.
  • The portlet shows the project spend to vendors by month.  The Vendor field picked on the portlet comes from the Vendor mentioned when creating the voucher (as displayed on the first screenshot).  This provides a nice view of identifying how much is spent by an organization on the vendor employees on their workforce.
  • The portlet shows the project spend to vendors by month.  The Vendor field picked on the portlet comes from the Vendor mentioned when creating the voucher (as displayed on the first screenshot).  This provides a nice view of identifying how much is spent by an organization on the vendor employees on their workforce.
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