  • The All Transactions portlets have the capability to display any transaction within the system. Transactions from any type of investment can be viewed on this page. There are two version of this process:
    • All Transactions (with security) – this will display rows only where the logged in resource has access to cost plans for projects or ideas. The portlet will check instance, OBS and global rights.
    • All Transactions (without security) – will display all rows, regardless of cost plan access rights.
    By default, there are numerous filter options displayed, such as transaction dates, transaction class and cost type. The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.
    Column Label Description
    ID An unique identifier for each row displayed in the portlet.
    Transaction Date The data the transaction has been coded to.
    Time Period Start For transactions arising from timesheet entries, this will show the start period of the timesheet.
    Time Period Finish For transactions arising from timesheet entries, this will show the finish period of the timesheet.
    Project Code The ID of the investment.
    Project Name The name of the investment.
    Task ID The ID of the investment task where the actual cost has been assigned.
    Task Name The name of the investment task where the actual cost has been assigned.
    Cost Center Credit The department assigned to the resource where a cost needs to be credited.
    Project Manager The resource managing the investment.
    Resource ID The ID for the resource that has been assigned the cost.
    Rate (Standard) The rate for the cost.
    Invoice Number The invoice number. May come from a manual transaction or may be imported from a financial system integration.
    PO # The purchase order number. May come from a manual transaction or may be imported from a financial system integration.
    Vendor Code The vendor code that has been listed against the transaction.
    Cost Centre Charge To The department assigned to the resource where a cost needs to be charged.
    Cost Type Indicates whether the transaction is capital or operating.
    Charge Code The charge code assigned to the transaction as per the Clarity Charge Code list.
    Transaction Type Labour, Expense, Equipment or Material.
    Transaction Class The transaction class assigned to the transaction as per the Clarity transaction class list.
    Transaction Amount Rate x Quantity.
    Quantity The number of units.
    Notes Free text field for the transaction.
  • Many organizations want to transition to a more product-centric delivery model but struggle with how to get started. This session discusses key success factors of Broadcom’s own project-to-product transition with an aim to resolve issues facing your organization.
  • Learn about the various techniques and emerging methods companies are taking to capitalize Agile work. You'll learn how some companies are moving away from timesheets and using models based on story points and team rates to generate capitalization reporting.
  • This portlet shows the project costs by Month. The information displayed includes:
    • Start Date for project
    • End Date for project
    • Budgeted Cost
    • Planned Cost
    • Actual Hours
    This provides the PM with a one shot view of the total financials/actuals for the project. The Project name field is linked to the project properties page. In case of any adjustments, the PM can toggle b/w the portlet and the project with ease.  The user can filter on multiple projects, or projects by OBS, or by PMs, to view the data on the portlet.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with setting up financial plans for ideas in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  The document reviews Ideas Cost Plans and Idea Budget Plans.
  • Does project and idea estimation take too long and lack visibility? This class will address one of the most common pain points within organizations: how to involve the right people within a timely project estimate. Learn Rego’s model for defining, calculating, and modifying idea and project estimates, so you can increase throughput and ROI.
  • A .pdf file that has the slide by slide presentation at 2015 RegoU on the elements of Financial Processing in CA PPM.  The agenda covers a financial process overview, enabling time reporting, enabling financials, posting timesheets, transaction entries, posting to WIP, adjustments, importing financial actuals, and job scheduling.
  • The Transaction Adapter – is a text based CSV file which automates the importing of monthly non labor financial data into Clarity directly from your financial system.  This integration eliminates the need to create non-labor transactions manually in Clarity and will provide more accurate project, program, and portfolio financial reporting.
    • ITFM Introduction
    • PMO & IT Finance Collaboration
    • Where ITFM and PPM Meet
    • Connecting PPM with ITFM
  • Are you considering the use of CA PPM's benefits tracking for planned and/or realized benefits?  This session will be a review of common use cases for putting benefits forecasts and realized benefits into CA PPM along with the reporting available out of the box and within RegoXchange.
  • It is quite common for Rally and Jira to coexist. However, connecting them effectively enhances the value stream for development teams and product owners. Learn what is available to make this happen along with some typical design patterns.
  • Do you want to understand the OOTB configuration and functionality of financial management?  In this class, we will review the OOTB objects, views, views, and functions of financial plans, rates, and other related areas.  We will cover both classic and new UX highlighting differences.
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