- All Transactions (with security) – this will display rows only where the logged in resource has access to cost plans for projects or ideas. The portlet will check instance, OBS and global rights.
- All Transactions (without security) – will display all rows, regardless of cost plan access rights.
Column Label | Description |
ID | An unique identifier for each row displayed in the portlet. |
Transaction Date | The data the transaction has been coded to. |
Time Period Start | For transactions arising from timesheet entries, this will show the start period of the timesheet. |
Time Period Finish | For transactions arising from timesheet entries, this will show the finish period of the timesheet. |
Project Code | The ID of the investment. |
Project Name | The name of the investment. |
Task ID | The ID of the investment task where the actual cost has been assigned. |
Task Name | The name of the investment task where the actual cost has been assigned. |
Cost Center Credit | The department assigned to the resource where a cost needs to be credited. |
Project Manager | The resource managing the investment. |
Resource ID | The ID for the resource that has been assigned the cost. |
Rate (Standard) | The rate for the cost. |
Invoice Number | The invoice number. May come from a manual transaction or may be imported from a financial system integration. |
PO # | The purchase order number. May come from a manual transaction or may be imported from a financial system integration. |
Vendor Code | The vendor code that has been listed against the transaction. |
Cost Centre Charge To | The department assigned to the resource where a cost needs to be charged. |
Cost Type | Indicates whether the transaction is capital or operating. |
Charge Code | The charge code assigned to the transaction as per the Clarity Charge Code list. |
Transaction Type | Labour, Expense, Equipment or Material. |
Transaction Class | The transaction class assigned to the transaction as per the Clarity transaction class list. |
Transaction Amount | Rate x Quantity. |
Quantity | The number of units. |
Notes | Free text field for the transaction. |