  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Graph Stacked portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a stacked bar graph.  This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • The Financial Summary by Charge Code – Graph Stacked portlet displays yearly charge code financial information across all projects in a stacked bar graph.  This portlet provides management with a snapshot of all projects’ financial information totaled and sorted by expense, capital, depreciation, benefit, and net cash flow.   The depreciation is calculated based on a straight-line method.  The user may filter on OBS unit and/or portfolio to narrow down the search results.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this line chart portlet displays realized vs planned benefits overtime, for portfolio investments. This provides the PfM with a holistic view of benefits planned vs realized over a period of time.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this line chart portlet displays realized vs planned benefits overtime, for portfolio investments. This provides the PfM with a holistic view of benefits planned vs realized over a period of time.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this line chart portlet displays realized vs planned benefits overtime, for portfolio investments. This provides the PfM with a holistic view of benefits planned vs realized over a period of time.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by location of project. This provides the PM with a holistic view of benefits realized across the geographical locations.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by location of project. This provides the PM with a holistic view of benefits realized across the geographical locations.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this pie chart portlet displays realized benefit, grouped by location of project. This provides the PM with a holistic view of benefits realized across the geographical locations.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this portlet displays count of the planned benefits (savings) per project manager. It also displays if any of the planned benefits are Critical/ At Risk / On Track, along with the total planned benefit amount.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this portlet displays count of the planned benefits (savings) per project manager. It also displays if any of the planned benefits are Critical/ At Risk / On Track, along with the total planned benefit amount.
  • Part of the Business Transformation collection, this portlet displays count of the planned benefits (savings) per project manager. It also displays if any of the planned benefits are Critical/ At Risk / On Track, along with the total planned benefit amount.
  • Part of the Business Transformations collection, this portlet displays planned revenue as defined by a project whose goal is "Grow the business". It uses the Planned Revenue Query as a data provider.  This portlet provides a holistic overview of how many projects following the goal “Grow the Business” are Critical/ At Risk / On Track with regard to the planned revenue.
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