  • Ensure you are keeping tabs on your Clarity environment. Clarity has key components that require monitoring to ensure consistent processing: - identify key modules like processes, jobs, financials, among others - identify customizations and common errors that can be improved - Overall maintenance recommendations for Clarity Studio and MUX
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the management of the Card View within Hierarchies in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.2.1 views. Document provides detail on View Options, Color By, Card Fields and Card Metrics. Information on how to roll up metrics via an aggregation or calculation method.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the creation of Cost Plans in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  Instructions are provided on how to access Cost Plans from the Financials tab and how to create a new Cost Plan. Detail is provided on how to create a cost plan with project information (Populate from Allocations and Populate from Assignments), how to manually enter data into a cost plan and how to set a cost plan as the Plan of Record.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with General Navigation in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.2.1 views.  Doc reviews the Menu Bar and User Tool Bar.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Staff Grid in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on the use of the Staff Grid in the Staffing Modules in the Common Component functionality.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the adding of resources to the Staff tab for Ideas in Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on how to add resources to the Staff tab, Default Allocation % and Per-Period metrics.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with Time Entry Administration Settings for Timesheets.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document provides detail on Timesheet Options for the Modern UX and how to enable end user column configuration. Detail is also provided on how end users may configure their timesheet view.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the utilization of the My Workspace area within Clarity’s Modern User Experience.  This doc references version 16.1.2 views. Document reviews Checklists, Smartlists and To Do’s.
  • "Ensure you are keeping tabs on your Clarity environment. Clarity has key components that require monitoring to ensure consistent processing: - identify key modules like processes, jobs, financials, among others - identify customizations and common errors that can be improved"
  • Have you never used GEL within Clarity? This class will teach you the basics of leveraging GEL within your workflow process. It’s one of the most powerful and underutilized capabilities in Clarity for updating objects, sending emails, and XOGing. This class is designed for those that have never used GEL before.
  • Learn the basics of creating Jaspersoft studio reports. This session will walk through basic features and introduce report development utilizing the basic report capabilities of Jaspersoft Studio such as Text Fields, Frames, Static Text, Breaks, Lines and Common Page Information Components, Grouping/Sorting, Status Indicators, Dynamic Images, Input Controls, and Basic Charting.

  • Do you want to talk to other customers that are using or plan to use demand management? In this moderated Round Table where customers can share experiences and provide insights on process, configurations, challenges, and successes. We will have an expert panel and then divide into small groups and discuss customer selected topics - 100% sharing.
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