  • Course description: “People are the #1 key to successful implementation, acceptance and sustaining adoption after the project is long gone. Find out some tips and tricks on how to keep those key stakeholders engaged.”  Download file is the presentation slide deck.
  • Course Description:   People are the #1 key to successful implementation, acceptance, and sustaining adoption after the project is long gone. Learn some tips and tricks on how to keep key stakeholders engaged.
  • A presentation slide deck from Rego University 2022.   This course reviewed the importance of user feedback on the use of the tool.
    • What is Feedback?
    • Why is Feedback Important?
    • Audience Participation
    • Group Discussion
    • Methods of Collecting Feedback
    • Case Studies
    • Staying Connected to Your Users
  • Course description: “How do you close the feedback loop with your users? This session will review some innovative ways companies are connecting with CA PPM users to drive constant innovation and improve perception of the process and tool.”  Download file is the presentation slide deck.
  • The industry has been talking about "Connecting Strategy to Execution" for years; Yet many organizations still struggle to make this a reality. During this interactive session, we will guide you through creating a one-page mapping of high-level values, missions, and vision with strategic goals and associated programs of work aligned for the delivery of value.
  • This training document is a Rego Consulting Quick Reference Guide to assist with the use of Sub-Objects and Channels in Clarity’s Modern UX.
  • Course Description:   Have you ever thought of using Clarity PPM for surveys or quality audits? Would you like to create dashboards with metrics from surveys, lessons learned, project audits, and quality? In this class, we will review a customer use case where all of this was done in Clarity PPM—linking to SharePoint to capture survey results, then producing dashboards inside of PPM and SharePoint based on very specific metrics.
  • Course description: “Do CA PPM performance issues discourage your users? This class will review the root causes behind CA PPM performance problems and identify steps to improve performance, including specific recommendations and real case studies.”
  • Capture and present allocation data by Team for the Investments included in your Roadmap to enable the ability to compare to Targets or Limits. Allocation data can be presented in Hours or FTE, for Teams Only.
  • To effectively practice Agile at scale, Clarity teams first need to identify various needs. This includes thinking through considerations for funding, investment prioritization, and spend management practices.
  • Over time notifications can build up in the CA PPM system and should be purged, so as not to hinder performance. The SQL statements mentioned in the tech doc can be implemented within a process in CA PPM to either purge notifications on an ongoing basis or remove all of them at once.
  • How do you prioritize work? In many organizations, the traditional forced ranking scale (1-x) alone just isn’t sufficient. There are financial and resource constraints to consider. We must also align with strategic objectives, OKRs, or business outcomes. So how do we go about creating a plan which layers in-flight and proposed work within all these considerations, to create a balanced and prioritized roadmap? How do you drive priorities without driving yourselves crazy? In this session, we will share best practices and lessons learned. You will get a hands-on exploration of a practical, realistic, and flexible approach for bringing all the pieces together to satisfy your organization's planning needs.
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