Users with Customized Object/Portlet Views – Oracle
The Customized Object/Portlet Views portlet displays all user edited object/portlet views and the resource(s) that have edited them. This can assist in identifying users who need to be notified prior to publishing view changes.
The table below describes the available columns on the object.
Column Label | Description |
Resource Name | Name of the resource |
Resource ID | ID of the resource |
Type | Object or Portlet |
Portlet Code | ID of the portlet |
Portlet Name | Name of the portlet |
Object | Associated Object |
Object View | ID of the modified view on the object |
Object Code | Internal code used by the query |
pkid | Internal code used by the query |
portlet_dbid | Database id of the portlet |
res_dbid | Database id of the resource |
Download Details
RegoXchange Content ID: EX1841
Submission Date:
Content Type: Clarity Studio
Related Modules: Administrative Support
Company: Rego Consulting
Version Support
Versions Supported: 15.x, 16.x
Special Instructions
Special Instructions:
1) Choose the correct file per your associated database type and XOG in the portlet to the environment
a. Oracle: rego_cust_views_ORCL_14.xml
b. Postgres: rego_cust_views_SQL:POSTGRES_14.xml
2) Add the Portlet to a Portlet Page