
Schedule – Average Percent Variance – SQL

This is a graphic portlet that pulls the average schedule variance by OBS node of the project.  The portlet allows you to choose any OBS that is associated to the Project Object.

Users can filter by:

  1. OBS Type
  2. If the project is financially approved?
  3. Financial Status

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Download Details

RegoXchange Content ID: EX1840

Submission Date:


Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Project Management

Company: Rego Consulting

Version Support

Versions Supported: 16.x

Special Instructions

Special Instructions:

  1. Choose the correct file per your associated database type and XOG in the portlet to the environment
    1. Oracle: rego_schd_avg_per_variance_Oracle.xml
    2. SQL Server: rego_schd_avg_per_variance_SQLServer.xml
    3. Postgres: rego_schd_avg_per_variance_Postgres.xml
  2. Add the Portlet to a Portlet Page
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