Proposed Estimates vs. Task Estimates – SQL

The Proposed Estimates vs. Task Estimates portlet gives the ability to identify when the Proposed Estimates for any given task exceed the Task Estimates. The portlet filters by investment name, investment ID, project OBS unit, investment active (yes/no/all), investment manager, resource name, resource ID, resource OBS unit, resource active (yes/no/all), and resource manager. Additionally, the results can be filtered by the proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no/all).


The information provided on the portlet includes the investment name, investment ID, investment active (yes/no), investment start/end dates, task name, resource name, resource active (yes/no), resource manager, total hours, total ETC, proposed ETC greater than task ETC flag (yes/no), pending actual hours, and proposed ETC hours.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX0895

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Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Project Management

Company: Rego Consulting