Projects by Schedule Currency – Pie – Oracle

Pie Chart Portlet displays counts of active projects with various Stale ratings. Calculation is Percent Stale Tasks = number of open (not completed) tasks with a finish date over 15 days old, divided by total open tasks.  Filterable by OBS structure and project manager.  Data label = project count.  Mouse-over and Legend labels = stale rating.  More than 90% Stale means 90 to 100% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.  More than 71% Stale means 71 to 89% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.  0 – 70% Stale means fewer than 70% of open tasks on a project have finish dates older than 15 days.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX1081

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Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Project Management

Company: Rego Consulting

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Versions Supported: 15.x, 16.x

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