Project Dependencies – SQL

The Project Dependencies portlet displays all projects and their associated dependencies that the logged in user has rights to.  This can assist in scheduling and visualizing the breakout of dependencies.

The table below describes the available columns in the portlet.

Column Label Description
Project ID ID of the project
Project Name Name of the project
Type Relationship to above project, Parent Project (P) or Sub Project (S)
Manager Manager of the project
Start Start Date of the project
Finish Finish Date of the project
Gantt Visualization of project timelines
Sort Column Used to order the columns for proper display of the portlet
dimkey Internal code used by the query
Inv_hlth_int Internal code used by the query
Link_dbid Internal code used by the query
link_toggle Internal code used by the query
rel_active Internal code used by the query
rel_dbid Internal code used by the query
rel_mgr_dbid Internal code used by the query
rel_sort Internal code used by the query



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RegoXchange Content ID: EX1657

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Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Project Management

Company: Rego Consulting