My Resource Vacation Details – Oracle

The My Resource Vacation Details portlet returns the logged in users calendar at a glance by week or month for a selected time period.  It shows the Resource Name, Resource Manager, Calendar, H (holiday), and V (vacation) hours for the select time frame.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX0078

Submission Date:


Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Administrative Support

Company: Rego Consulting

Version Support

Versions Supported: 15.x, 16.x

Special Instructions

Special Instructions:

  1. Create a resource record for every calendar in the system with the following fields:
    1. first name = BaseCalendar
    2. last name =  the name of the Calendar
    3. Active = no
    4. Time entry = no
    5. Include in Datamart = yes
    6. Date of Hire is prior to current year
    7. Date of Termination = blank
    8. Set calendar on the calendar tab to the name of the Calendar in the last name field
  2. Resource ID of Admin must be set to a Standard Calendar that has no holidays, in order to determine what days on the other calendars are holidays.
  3. Requires the DAILYRESOURCEACTCURVE (ID: 2) to be setup to have at least a year’s worth of past data.
  4. Requires the WEEKLYRESOURCEAVAILCURVE (ID: 55559) to be setup to have at least a year’s worth of past data.
  5. Requires the MONTHLYRESOURCEAVAILCURVE (ID: 7) to be setup to have at least a year’s worth of past data.
  6. Requires the DAILYRESOURCEAVAILCURVE (ID: 1) to be setup to have at least a year’s worth of past data.