MUX Views – Change Ownership

This is a standalone process that can be run by an admin to change the ownership of MUX views from a specified user to another specified user.  The process contains a single custom script, which has the following parameters that must be updated prior to running the process:

  • currentOwnerId (required): Resource ID for the current Owner (unique_name from srm_resources table)
  • newOwnerId (required): Resource ID for the new Owner (unique_name from srm_resources table)
  • viewCode (optional): Code for the specific view to update – leave blank if you want to transfer ownership for all views (odf_ui_views.code)

The script will update the owner for all views that are marked as shared, as long as the new owner doesn’t have a similar view with the exact same name.  If there are views that can’t be updated, they will be logged in the process log.


To Run:

  1. Navigate to the process called Admin – MUX Views – Change Ownership.
  2. Navigate to the Start Step tab, Click on the Update Owner action, and click the Custom Script Parameters tab.
  3. Enter the Resource ID for the current view owner into the currentOwnerId parameter.
  4. Enter the Resource ID for the new owner into the newOwnerId parameter.
  5. If you want to update a specific view only, enter that in the viewCode parameter.
  6. Run the process via Organizer in Classic.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX2156

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Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Administrative Support

Company: Rego Consulting