How to Have Different Role Rates without Different Roles
Many times Roles are spread out geographically or by function and these Roles will have different rates. For example, a developer in India may charge $25/hour vs a Developer in US may charge $50/hour. When the project team has a requirement of several developers, the PM will have to add a region specific role (Developer-US, Developer-India) so that the right rates can be applied when a cost plan is created. This creates a challenge in terms of Resource Management. As the Demand and Capacity can be spread between different region specific roles.
Proper configuration on the Rate Matrix can allow you to have one Role name but different rates based on Location or Department. This allows greater flexibility and takes away the redundancy of Role Names. You can do so with the Project Team Member Properties.
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RegoXchange Content ID: EX0962
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Content Type: Technical Tricks
Related Modules: Administrative Support
Company: Rego Consulting