Blueprint Migrator – Oracle/SQL/Postgres
Workflow process designed to migrate Blueprints from one environment to another. Can move multiple Blueprints at a time.
- The Blueprint migrator is contained with a GEL script
- It can be run using the Execute a Process job
- An administrator would complete the GEL parameters specifying connection parameters of the environment to pull the Blueprints from
- Blueprints will be pulled from the target environment to the environment that executes the GEL script.
- The targeted Blueprints will be referenced by their internal ID (ex:5234001)
- Blueprints will be only be created. Existing Blueprints will not be updated
- All Blueprints will be created in a Draft mode and not flagged as the default Blueprint
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RegoXchange Content ID: EX1822
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Content Type: Clarity Studio
Related Modules: Administrative Support
Company: Rego Consulting