All Change Requests – SQL

The All Change Request portlet displays all change requests related to active projects that the logged in user has view rights to.   The portlet provides the project manager a single place to view change requests across multiple projects without having to go into each project individually and allows for more efficient management and reporting across projects.

The filter allows the user to narrow their search by date ranges, resources involved, and/or the project with which the Change Request is associated. Other alternatives for filtering include the category, priority or status of the Change Request. In the list view, a status is displayed for each Change Request (CR), along with the Project with which the CR is associated, the CR ID, the CR name, the resource to whom the CR is assigned, Priority, Expected Closure Date, and number of days the CR has remained open.

Note: Only the projects that the user has viewer rights to will show up in the list.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX0009

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Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Changes

Company: Rego Consulting