Action Item Reassignment in Clarity – Postgres

The Action Item Reassignment – Workflow provides the ability to reassign an action item(s) that has been sent out to a resource.  You first choose the resource who currently has the action item(s) sitting in their queue.  Next, you choose the resource you want to reassign the action item(s) to.  Finally, you select one to many action items you want to re-associate before running the process.  After all the fields are set, the process can be run which will re-associate the action items from one resource to the other.

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Download Details

RegoXchange Content ID: EX1685

Submission Date:


Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Administrative Support

Company: Rego Consulting

Version Support

Versions Supported: 14.x, 15.x, 16.x

Special Instructions

Special Instructions:

  1. XOG in AI Reassignment Object and Lookups into Clarity
  2. XOG in Work Request Process into Clarity
    1. Validate and Activate the Process
  3. Add security rights to the Users that require access to the Action Item Reassignment Object