Timesheet Compliance Dashboard (Power BI)

Timesheet compliance is a dashboard containing multiple visualizations that shows timesheet compliance data under various scenarios.

Dashboard shows count of timesheets grouped by Status and total available timesheets.

% Time Compliance – Gauge graph that shows percentage of completed timesheets against overall timesheets.

Compliance by Resource Manager – Grid section that shows percent timesheet compliance by resource manager.

Timesheet count by Employment type and Timesheet Status – Stacked column chart, each column represents Employment type and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status.

Count of Timesheets by Months – Stacked column chart, each column represents a month and sections of the column represent count of timesheets by Status.

Dashboard also const of two grid sections displaying number of Open timesheets by Organization and Vendor.

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RegoXchange Content ID: EX1670

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Content Type: Business Intelligence

Related Modules: Resource Management

Company: Rego Consulting

Version Support

Versions Supported: 15.x, 16.x

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