Invalid Transactions – Oracle

The Invalid Transactions portlet displays all of the transactions that did/will not post in Clarity. The benefit of this portlet is that you can use the filter to select a specific project, resource, or error to display all transactions associated to your selection.

There are several reasons a transaction may fail to post such as inactive resource, no location or inactive location selected on the Financial sub-page, project on hold, etc. To resolve the error, the user must go into the project or resource and make the noted change. Once all corrections are complete, the  Post Transactions to Financials job must be run to evaluate the corrected WIP transactions to be sure the data is now complete and accurate. If additional incorrect data is found, the transaction will fail to post again and the new error/reason will display.

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Download Details

RegoXchange Content ID: EX0247

Submission Date:


Content Type: Clarity Studio

Related Modules: Administrative Support

Company: Rego Consulting

Version Support

Versions Supported: 15.x, 16.x

Special Instructions

Special Instructions: This portlet will only work in a Clarity environment that is financially enabled. Additionally, the Post Transactions to Financials job must be actively running. If it is not, the transaction will not post and nothing will show up in the portlet.